Help with Covid Map

I’ve been struggling to make a relatively simple Covid-19 map work. Please see the link for my full code. Everything seems to pull correctly, but the map is rendering blank. I plan to add additional features such as time slider; it’s pretty vanilla right now.

Thanks in advance!

Hi @bigjoedata and welcome to the forum :wave:

Can you please clarify the issue? Is the map not being rendered at all or is it rendered without any layers?

I ran your code snippet, and the only confusing thing on the map is that the points are too small - so it’s hard to see them (try increasing radius / elevation arguments).

Hope this helps and feel free to let us know if you have any additional questions while building your app.
And thanks for using Streamlit!

Hi @kantuni thanks for the response. I actually figured it out. was being blocked so the map wasn’t rendering at all. I’ve unblocked it and it’s now working. I’m working on merging in a few new sources then I’ll publish the code.
Thanks again!

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