Educational Apps in Streamlit

Hi Everyone,

I just saw Marisa’s message about using Streamlit in schools and wanted to share something.

A few months ago, I was thinking of getting my kids to learn geography a bit, and also try to get them to learn Python, so I proposed we build a quiz app about Geography in Streamlit.

Kids (9 and 11) participated a bit in the design of the app and in getting the dataset (by filling in the google doc from the data in wikipedia), but I ended up doing most of the Python coding.

Here is the end result - Streamlit app - perhaps it will spark some ideas for teaching/learning different topics in schools:

Any feedback is appreciated.

Thank you!


Hey @Negmat_Mullodzhanov,

That’s wonderful, thanks so much for sharing! :pray:

Your app is very good, I love the interactive quiz option that students can use to test their knowledge! :heart_eyes_cat:

I am going to file this one away so I have it for reference while I build this Education Program! :books:

Happy Streamlit-ing!

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Hello @Negmat_Mullodzhanov

Nicee app and interective answer!

Check my first project: Streamlit App Real State



Pretty good! :partying_face:

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