Error in hosting on streamlit

There I also uploaded

GitHub Repo: GitHub - reyaz-mra/diabetes-prediction

Hey, @Md_Reyaz :wave:
Welcome to Streamlit Community! :balloon:

Based on the error image you’ve shared and your code, you need to make some changes in the requirements.txt file: Refer link

  1. Delete these two packages, matplotlib (you haven’t used in your main code) & sklearn.utils
  2. Replace the package name from sklearn to scikit-learn

I hope making these changes would help deploy your app smoothly. :slightly_smiling_face:


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Thank You So Much.
Now it’s not showing error

just taking time in Oven​:smile::smile::smile::smile:

Again showing error

Okay. Actually, you made the changes in the wrong order. No problem just try it out once again :slightly_smiling_face:

Follow the below steps in order:

  1. In the requirements.txt file, remove package name sklearn (4th line) and write scikit-learn


  1. In the file, add this line from sklearn.utils import resample back as you deleted it by mistake

I hope this helps! :blush:


helped alot. I’ve to show this in clg. Thanks. Working perfectly

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