Hello fellow Streamlit enthusiasts!
I have run into a problem with the file uploader widget which may or may not be a Streamlit issue.
The reason I am not confident it is a Streamlit issue, is that the problem only occurs when I deploy my application to AWS (tried ECS and EC2 thus far).
The problem:
When a user uploads a file (~20MB), it takes quite a long time - at least 30 seconds (not Streamlit related!) -, and while waiting for the upload to finish, about half the times the app ‘resets’ - i.e. the SessionState is reset and the page reruns.
I have not experienced this resetting phenomenom besides when using the file upload widget. It does not happen on localhost, but here the upload is also quite fast… So my guess is, that either it is a problem which occurs when the upload takes too long or it is related to some configuration I unknowingly have on AWS…
Any ideas how to resolve this?