Folder Picker Widget

It would be nice to have a folder picker widget, so that users can select a folder for bulk operation on multiple files within the folder.

The folder picker needs to be supported on Windows, Linux, Mac


Hi @sagnik.pal, welcome to the Streamlit forum!

I think your feature request has already been filed. Could you take a look at this enhancement description and see if it fits your needs? If you have any suggestions you can add them to the issue.

Thanks for your suggestion!

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Any ETA for the folder picker? It will make Streamlit so so desirable…

The latest streamlit 0.68.0 has a much improved file uploader for multiple files, does that help at all?

Haven’t tried it yet, but from what I have seen it wouldn’t work well with 100+ files. The folder picker should ideally be something like selecting a path using the Streamlit UI.

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I have to agree and let me add file selection by name only as well. The function should return the full qualified path or a pathlib object. This makes so much sense when you are working localy. It would also help those people who want to process files in the GB range that are local anyway. Nevertheless the new file_uploader is a big improvement!

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Any updates on a folder/directory picker like the file picker widget? I’m simply trying to allow the user to select a directory and to print or store that directory path to the screen/variable.


I’m in need of this widget as well.
Is it an idea to duplicate the file_uploader widget and just skip the BytesIO logic to read a file into RAM but just return the chosen dir(or file) path instead?