For Trail Use Message


The streamlit-aggrid component is awesome.

I’m deploying it in a web-based application in my organization’s intranet website. I’m using the community free version.

When the AG Grid is shown in Chrome, the “AG Grid for Trail Use Only” message shows up and then it disappears after 4 seconds. This message, however, doesn’t appear when the AG Grid is shown in MS Edge. Is it normal for the community free version to show this message in the browser for a few seconds and then it disappears afterward? Does the component still work after the trial period? Does the trial period expire? How do I get rid of this message?

I had installed the streamlit-aggrid grid component using the following command:

pip install streamlit-aggrid

I assume the above command allows me to install the community free version. Is this correct? If not, what would be the command to use for installing the community free version of this AG Grid?


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I am using streamlit aggrid version:

streamlit-aggrid = 0.2.3.post2

And I don’t get the message, but in another project I installed a newer version and I did get the behaviour you mentioned.
I’m not sure how to fix it, probably we need to post the issue here:

I had the same issue with version 0.3.3 of streamlit-aggrid and searched the Github repo. I found that the enable_enterprise_modules option is set to True by default.
Set it to False and this will get you back to the Community (free) version.


return AgGrid(
    data.sort_values(by=sorting_col, ascending=False),

Ah that’s good info! I will be needing this in the future.
Thank you.


Thank you.


This removes several of the features of Aggrid - for example pinning a column.