How to customize the streamlit cheatsheet app

the app is at Streamlit API cheat sheet - Streamlit Docs - looks very cool,
but wish to change the background color of each card, or even sync card content to a given release


  • Is the source code for above app available?
  • How to customize the background color of each card?
  • How to sync card content ?
    Is there a programmatical way of fetching the API info for a given release number globally?

Thank you!

PS: meanwhile, found another cheatsheet app at - GitHub - daniellewisDL/streamlit-cheat-sheet: A cheat sheet for streamlit , going to study it

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Thank you @Nico !
Any info on how the markdown file is rendered into white-text on black-background cards at Streamlit API cheat sheet - Streamlit Docs

Hmm I’m not too sure, but I bet @mathcatsand knows!

Our docs site isn’t a Streamlit app. We use Next.js to build the docs, so it’s a whole different thing. The cheat sheet is just a static page right now. :slight_smile:

Thank you, I have played with streamlit-card component, I can achieve what I need