How to hide "· Streamlit" in app name

Hi all,

Is there a way to hide the name “· Streamlit” on the web page? Right now, if the app file name is 'Data_Explorer" for example, the web app will have title “Data_Explorer · Streamlit”.

Any idea how can we hide this?


Sorry, I have just found out that a similar question was raised a while ago.
@admins Please feel free to delete this issue.

Hi @mzeidhassan, thanks for letting us know :slight_smile:

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As a temporary workaround, you can modify the streamlit frontend main file to remove “· Streamlit” from the title.

  1. Go to site-packages/streamlit/static/static/js/ and find the ‘main…chunk.js’ file and open it.
  2. Search for document.title="".concat(t," \xb7 Streamlit") and replace it with document.title="".concat(t,"")
  3. Restart streamlit app and “· Streamlit” should be gone from the title

I tried this, but nothing has happened.

It worked, when I updated the Streamlit Version


How you updated the Streamlit Version.
I tried different ways but did n’t worked.
Can you share the command

Hello @Naveen_Bhaskar.

I shared another solution to set your page title without tweaking streamlit files, it’s just a function to add to your app and call:

Great , its worked .

This has been resolved with version 0.84!