Hi there,
Love the tool that you’ve built.
I’m trying to make my app that connects to a SQL database available via Streamlit sharing.
It makes use of ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server.
Per here, I think the way to install this on Streamlit sharing(/Debian) is to add msodbcsql17
to a packages.txt
I’m getting the following error though:
Unable to locate package msodbcsql17
(NB: There’s a suggestion here that mssql-tools
needs to be added to a packages.txt file, but the link above suggests to me that it’s msodbcsql17
that’s needed. In any case, adding mssql-tools
to packages.txt
results in a similar error to the one given above.)
My app can be found here:
Is there any assistance you’re able to offer?
Thanks in advance.