Is it possible to build a multipage app using code that is pythonic?

The question from the topic may be trivial, but the examples I see scare me. It looks very, very bad to have file names like “” or “” (and now imagine I want to use that with a language other than English). It would be great to be able to name the file anything you want, and in the file itself decide how the sidebar entry should be named. Is there any chance to achieve such an effect? I’ll admit that I like the idea, but the execution leaves a lot to be desired.

Best regards.

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There is a new way using page link.

I’ve seen it, but the page link is added to the current page not to the side bar. Can you provide any example?

Here’s a tutorial with a good example Build a custom navigation menu with `st.page_link` - Streamlit Docs

I make a github repository streamlit app template with the navigation items located in the sidebar. The navigation code is located in modules/

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