Map disappearing during optimization process


I’m working on a Streamlit app (running locally on mac OS) that uses the streamlit-folium library to display a map, which is updated during an optimization process. The app uses Optuna for the optimization, and the map is supposed to show the best solution found so far at each step.

However, I’m facing an issue where the map is displayed initially but disappears during the optimization process. I tried to look for similar issues but couldn’t find any.

In my console log, I get the following errors:

Uncaught ReferenceError: tile_layer_60f44b8caad62309bad1fc875d49a057 is not defined
    <anonymous> index.html:23
    onRender index.tsx:240
    onRenderMessage streamlit.js:170
    onMessageEvent streamlit.js:141
    setComponentReady streamlit.js:70

Uncaught TypeError: is undefined
    onRender index.tsx:288
    onRenderMessage streamlit.js:170
    onMessageEvent streamlit.js:141
    setComponentReady streamlit.js:70

Here are the package versions:

  • streamlit==1.32.1
  • streamlit-folium==0.18.0

Below is the code I currently use and here is the link to my repo with the code.


import streamlit as st
import folium
from streamlit_folium import st_folium

import optuna

from stravart.utils import simplify_coordinates
from stravart.polygone import Polygon
from import generate_route, diff_area, Rotation, Projection

if 'study_running' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.study_running = False
if 'study' not in st.session_state: = optuna.create_study(direction='minimize')
if 'current_map_data' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.current_map_data = None
if 'current_trial_number' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.current_trial_number = 0
if 'best_loss' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.best_loss = float('inf')
if 'map_data' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.map_data = None
if 'best_map_data' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.best_map_data = None

def generate_fg(final_contour):
    fg = folium.FeatureGroup(name="kook")
    for index, coord in enumerate(final_contour):
            location=[coord.latitude, coord.longitude],
    polyline_coords = [[coord.latitude, coord.longitude] for coord in final_contour]
    fg.add_child(folium.PolyLine(polyline_coords, color="blue", weight=2.5, opacity=1))
    return fg

def generate_grid(lat_start, lat_end, lon_start, lon_end, lat_points, lon_points):
    lat_step = (lat_end - lat_start) / (lat_points - 1)
    lon_step = (lon_end - lon_start) / (lon_points - 1)

    grid = []
    for i in range(lat_points):
        for j in range(lon_points):
            lat = lat_start + i * lat_step
            lon = lon_start + j * lon_step
            grid.append((lat, lon))
    return grid

# Streamlit layout

# User inputs for parameters
n_trials = st.sidebar.number_input('Number of Trials', min_value=3, max_value=50, value=3)
grid_size = st.sidebar.slider('City Grid Size', min_value=3, max_value=10, value=5)

lat_start, lat_end = 48.8156, 48.9022
lon_start, lon_end = 2.2241, 2.4699
city_grid = generate_grid(lat_start, lat_end, lon_start, lon_end, grid_size, grid_size)

coordinates = [
    (-4, 7), (-3.5, 8), (-3, 9), (-2.5, 10), (-2, 10.5), (-1.5, 11), (-1, 11.5), (-0.5, 11.75), (0, 12),
    (0.5, 11.75), (1, 11.5), (1.5, 11), (2, 10.5), (2.5, 10), (3, 9), (3.5, 8), (4, 7),
    (3.5, 6), (3, 5), (2.5, 4), (2, 3), (1.5, 2), (1, 1), (0.5, 0), (0, -1),
    (-0.5, 0), (-1, 1), (-1.5, 2), (-2, 3), (-2.5, 4), (-3, 5), (-3.5, 6), (-4, 7),
    (-4.5, 6.5), (-5, 6), (-5.5, 5.5), (-6, 5), (-5.5, 4.5), (-5, 4), (-4.5, 3.5), (-4, 3),
    (-3.5, 3.5), (-3, 4), (-2.5, 4.5), (-2, 5), (-1.5, 5.5), (-1, 6), (-0.5, 6.5), (0, 7),
    (0.5, 6.5), (1, 6), (1.5, 5.5), (2, 5), (2.5, 4.5), (3, 4), (3.5, 3.5), (4, 3),
    (4.5, 3.5), (5, 4), (5.5, 4.5), (6, 5), (5.5, 5.5), (5, 6), (4.5, 6.5), (4, 7),
    (3.5, 7.5), (3, 8), (2.5, 8.5), (2, 9), (1.5, 9.5), (1, 10), (0.5, 10.5), (0, 11),
    (-0.5, 10.5), (-1, 10), (-1.5, 9.5), (-2, 9), (-2.5, 8.5), (-3, 8), (-3.5, 7.5), (-4, 7)

origin = simplify_coordinates(coordinates)
poly =  Polygon.from_list(coordinates_list=origin, system="cartesian")
normed_poly = poly.scale_coordinates()

# Optuna study
def define_search_space(trial, city_grid):
    angle = trial.suggest_float('rot_angle', -20, 20, step=5)

    map_center_idx = trial.suggest_int('map_center_idx', 0, len(city_grid) - 1)
    map_center = city_grid[map_center_idx]
    radius = trial.suggest_float('radius', 0.01, 0.1, step= 0.005)

    return angle, map_center, radius

def objective(trial, poly=poly, city_grid=city_grid):
    angle, map_center, radius = define_search_space(trial,city_grid=city_grid)

    new_poly = Rotation(angle).apply(poly)
    projection = Projection(center=map_center, radius=radius, map_type="GPS")
    gps_poly = projection.apply(new_poly)
    final_contour, path_mapping = generate_route(gps_poly)
    loss = diff_area(final_contour, path_mapping)

    trial.set_user_attr('final_contour', final_contour)
    trial.set_user_attr('path_mapping', path_mapping)

    st.session_state.current_map_data = (map_center, final_contour)
    st.session_state.current_trial_number = trial.number

    return loss

map_container = st.container()

if not st.session_state.study_running:
    if st.button('Start Optuna Study'):
        st.session_state.study_running = True
        st.session_state.best_map_data = None 
        st.session_state.best_loss = float('inf')
        with st.spinner('Running Optuna Study...'):
            trial_status_placeholder = st.empty()
            best_loss_placeholder = st.empty()
            for i in range(n_trials):
                trial_status_placeholder.write(f"Currently testing trial number: {i + 1}")
                trial =
                loss = objective(trial, poly=poly, city_grid=city_grid)
      , loss)

                if loss < st.session_state.best_loss:
                    st.session_state.best_loss = loss
                    best_loss_placeholder.write(f"Best loss so far: {round(loss, 3)}")
                    map_center, final_contour = st.session_state.current_map_data
                    m = folium.Map(location=map_center, zoom_start=14)
                    fg = generate_fg(final_contour)
                    st.session_state.best_map_data = m 


        st.session_state.study_running = False

        best_trial =
        st.write("Best trial loss:", round(best_trial.value, 4))
        st.write("Best trial params:", best_trial.params)

if st.session_state.best_map_data is not None:
    best_trial =
    st.write("Best trial loss:", round(best_trial.value, 4))
    st.write("Best trial params:", best_trial.params)
    map_display_width = 700
    map_display_height = 500

    with st.container():
        st_folium(st.session_state.best_map_data, width=map_display_width, height=map_display_height)

if st.session_state.study_running:
    if st.button('Abort Study'):
        st.session_state.study_running = False
        st.warning('Optuna Study Aborted')

Thanks a lot for any help or pointers you can give.

I tried to run that app, but there are a lot of issues with the requirements.txt. Could you fix that?


Thanks for your quick reply. I’ve cleaned and updated the requirements in my repo.

Specifically beyond my custom stravart code, it should be.


Please let me know if you have any more trouble running this up.

Also here what the app looks like after running:

I clone your repo with git clone, install dependencies, etc.

I am using windows 10.

The is inside the app folder. I copy it outside so that it can see the stravart folder.

Run it and there is a module that it cannot see.

(venv) PS F:\Project\mystreamlit\stravart\stravart> streamlit run

  You can now view your Streamlit app in your browser.

  Local URL: http://localhost:8501
  Network URL:

2024-03-17 20:26:35.857 Uncaught app exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "F:\Project\mystreamlit\stravart\stravart\venv\Lib\site-packages\streamlit\runtime\scriptrunner\", line 542, in _run_script
    exec(code, module.__dict__)
  File "F:\Project\mystreamlit\stravart\stravart\", line 8, in <module>
    from stravart.polygone import Polygon
  File "F:\Project\mystreamlit\stravart\stravart\stravart\", line 8, in <module>
    from .coordinates import Coordinates
  File "F:\Project\mystreamlit\stravart\stravart\stravart\", line 5, in <module>
    from config import MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'config'

So how it is run?


The code makes call to google maps or map box.

I’ve simplified the code to remove all optuna and custom code. It simply alternate between displaying two routes, and I still have the same issue.

import streamlit as st
import folium
from streamlit_folium import st_folium

from stravart.directions import Route

if 'study_running' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.study_running = False
if 'current_map_data' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.current_map_data = None
if 'current_trial_number' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.current_trial_number = 0
if 'map_data' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.map_data = None
if 'best_map_data' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.best_map_data = None

map_center1, final_contour1 = ((48.9022, 2.2855499999999997), [(48.9042, 2.2753), (48.9049, 2.2747), (48.9057, 2.2771), (48.9063, 2.2764), (48.9071, 2.2761), (48.9091, 2.2748), (48.9092, 2.2769), (48.909, 2.2774), (48.9094, 2.2783), (48.9095, 2.2789), (48.9101, 2.2784), (48.9111, 2.2811), (48.911, 2.2814), (48.9116, 2.2819), (48.9113, 2.2823), (48.9121, 2.2847), (48.9138, 2.2836), (48.9149, 2.2862), (48.9148, 2.2874), (48.9146, 2.2867), (48.9138, 2.2877), (48.9143, 2.289), (48.9155, 2.2906), (48.9152, 2.2899), (48.9133, 2.2931), (48.9129, 2.2938), (48.9111, 2.2957), (48.911, 2.2953), (48.9099, 2.2948), (48.9087, 2.293), (48.9082, 2.2928), (48.9086, 2.2949), (48.9091, 2.2957), (48.9102, 2.2982), (48.9106, 2.2989), (48.9085, 2.2999), (48.9078, 2.2963), (48.9074, 2.2971), (48.9072, 2.2971), (48.9056, 2.294), (48.9035, 2.2897), (48.901, 2.2924), (48.9008, 2.2928), (48.8983, 2.2945), (48.898, 2.2983), (48.8974, 2.2975), (48.8986, 2.2955), (48.8983, 2.2945), (48.8955, 2.297), (48.8891, 2.2906), (48.8865, 2.2858), (48.8856, 2.2847), (48.8829, 2.2875), (48.8819, 2.286), (48.8781, 2.2843), (48.8776, 2.2843), (48.8774, 2.284), (48.8775, 2.2837), (48.8781, 2.2806), (48.8781, 2.2809), (48.8773, 2.2836), (48.8775, 2.2837), (48.8774, 2.284), (48.8776, 2.2843), (48.8781, 2.2844), (48.8808, 2.2855), (48.8811, 2.2843), (48.8828, 2.2824), (48.8835, 2.2819), (48.8838, 2.2818), (48.8872, 2.2789), (48.8877, 2.2784), (48.896, 2.2727), (48.8964, 2.2724), (48.8979, 2.2757), (48.8984, 2.275), (48.8986, 2.2748), (48.8998, 2.2778), (48.8996, 2.278), (48.9021, 2.2753), (48.9024, 2.2748), (48.9042, 2.2753), (48.9033, 2.2762), (48.9, 2.268), (48.898, 2.2636), (48.8971, 2.2643), (48.8954, 2.266), (48.8976, 2.2718), (48.8977, 2.2723), (48.8986, 2.2748), (48.8984, 2.275), (48.898, 2.2755), (48.8964, 2.2724), (48.8927, 2.2722), (48.8929, 2.2722), (48.8934, 2.2733), (48.8924, 2.2742), (48.8933, 2.2763), (48.8935, 2.2761), (48.8936, 2.2763), (48.8944, 2.2767), (48.9011, 2.2868), (48.9009, 2.2862), (48.8923, 2.2935), (48.8906, 2.2919), (48.8895, 2.2931), (48.8866, 2.2958), (48.8865, 2.2952), (48.8868, 2.2963), (48.8874, 2.2979), (48.8885, 2.297), (48.8889, 2.2977), (48.8907, 2.3025), (48.8914, 2.3018), (48.8925, 2.3005), (48.8934, 2.2994), (48.8936, 2.2996), (48.9008, 2.2928), (48.9009, 2.2924), (48.905, 2.288), (48.9084, 2.293), (48.9092, 2.2935), (48.9102, 2.2922), (48.9126, 2.2899), (48.9127, 2.2905), (48.911, 2.2917), (48.9101, 2.2881), (48.9102, 2.2879), (48.9098, 2.2807), (48.9074, 2.283), (48.9042, 2.2753)])
map_center2, final_contour2 = ((48.858900000000006, 2.2855499999999997), [(48.8575, 2.2666), (48.8617, 2.2678), (48.8626, 2.2683), (48.8628, 2.2685), (48.8629, 2.2693), (48.8632, 2.2689), (48.8669, 2.272), (48.8678, 2.2699), (48.8693, 2.2714), (48.8702, 2.2695), (48.8711, 2.2716), (48.8729, 2.2726), (48.8731, 2.2729), (48.8736, 2.2737), (48.8738, 2.2747), (48.8736, 2.2742), (48.8733, 2.2739), (48.8761, 2.2749), (48.8758, 2.2739), (48.8766, 2.2752), (48.8773, 2.2784), (48.8774, 2.2789), (48.8772, 2.2788), (48.877, 2.2805), (48.8769, 2.2807), (48.8766, 2.2815), (48.8767, 2.2823), (48.8763, 2.2823), (48.8768, 2.2834), (48.8775, 2.2837), (48.8774, 2.284), (48.8776, 2.2843), (48.8781, 2.2844), (48.8808, 2.2855), (48.8819, 2.2828), (48.8821, 2.283), (48.8824, 2.2827), (48.882, 2.2835), (48.8827, 2.284), (48.884, 2.2861), (48.8846, 2.2883), (48.8844, 2.2882), (48.8843, 2.2886), (48.8842, 2.2889), (48.8841, 2.2893), (48.8819, 2.2937), (48.8813, 2.2927), (48.8786, 2.2959), (48.8783, 2.2954), (48.8779, 2.2971), (48.8776, 2.2982), (48.8759, 2.3031), (48.8746, 2.3014), (48.8744, 2.3008), (48.8738, 2.3006), (48.8738, 2.3018), (48.8735, 2.3019), (48.873, 2.3029), (48.8719, 2.3014), (48.8705, 2.3007), (48.87, 2.3008), (48.867, 2.3011), (48.8666, 2.3011), (48.8658, 2.3012), (48.8646, 2.3012), (48.8625, 2.3015), (48.8626, 2.3021), (48.8625, 2.3032), (48.8623, 2.3032), (48.8624, 2.3067), (48.8597, 2.3079), (48.8598, 2.3088), (48.858, 2.3093), (48.8575, 2.3099), (48.8535, 2.3094), (48.8529, 2.3085), (48.8495, 2.3037), (48.8493, 2.3037), (48.8481, 2.3021), (48.8421, 2.3031), (48.84, 2.3022), (48.8377, 2.2975), (48.8371, 2.2988), (48.831, 2.2925), (48.8309, 2.2927), (48.8292, 2.2925), (48.8281, 2.2925), (48.8228, 2.2924), (48.822, 2.2937), (48.8198, 2.2931), (48.8187, 2.2918), (48.8183, 2.2922), (48.8177, 2.2911), (48.8166, 2.2925), (48.8142, 2.2883), (48.8143, 2.2881), (48.8159, 2.2865), (48.8158, 2.2852), (48.8175, 2.2837), (48.8177, 2.2837), (48.8196, 2.2829), (48.82, 2.2837), (48.8207, 2.283), (48.8217, 2.2819), (48.8247, 2.2822), (48.8264, 2.2801), (48.827, 2.2793), (48.8282, 2.2815), (48.8303, 2.278), (48.831, 2.2788), (48.8325, 2.2792), (48.833, 2.2779), (48.8334, 2.2769), (48.8337, 2.2765), (48.8363, 2.2781), (48.8368, 2.2784), (48.8371, 2.2771), (48.8384, 2.2782), (48.8458, 2.277), (48.8462, 2.2769), (48.8472, 2.2746), (48.8475, 2.2736), (48.8477, 2.2727), (48.8482, 2.2706), (48.8497, 2.2687), (48.8497, 2.2684), (48.8507, 2.2671), (48.853, 2.2647), (48.8555, 2.266), (48.8558, 2.2646), (48.8566, 2.2662), (48.8568, 2.266), (48.8575, 2.2666), (48.8569, 2.2664), (48.8569, 2.2661), (48.8482, 2.2596), (48.8484, 2.2593), (48.8482, 2.2593), (48.848, 2.2593), (48.8478, 2.259), (48.8475, 2.2583), (48.8476, 2.2573), (48.8474, 2.257), (48.8467, 2.2558), (48.8464, 2.2564), (48.8455, 2.2561), (48.8453, 2.2578), (48.8452, 2.2589), (48.84, 2.2672), (48.8389, 2.2696), (48.8388, 2.27), (48.8395, 2.2715), (48.84, 2.2718), (48.8359, 2.2666), (48.8404, 2.2711), (48.8452, 2.2755), (48.8472, 2.2778), (48.8491, 2.2804), (48.8498, 2.2813), (48.8551, 2.2886), (48.8549, 2.2885), (48.8567, 2.2868), (48.8568, 2.2863), (48.8579, 2.2878), (48.8575, 2.2883), (48.8572, 2.2876), (48.8577, 2.2881), (48.8568, 2.2863), (48.8568, 2.2866), (48.8546, 2.289), (48.8526, 2.2909), (48.8523, 2.2906), (48.8478, 2.3013), (48.8422, 2.3031), (48.8418, 2.3033), (48.8405, 2.3043), (48.8407, 2.3048), (48.8363, 2.31), (48.8359, 2.3099), (48.8361, 2.3101), (48.8364, 2.3104), (48.8467, 2.3208), (48.8455, 2.3188), (48.8467, 2.3165), (48.8493, 2.315), (48.8491, 2.3139), (48.8526, 2.3087), (48.8528, 2.3086), (48.8539, 2.3068), (48.8542, 2.3064), (48.8545, 2.306), (48.8546, 2.3058), (48.8617, 2.3022), (48.8626, 2.302), (48.8625, 2.3015), (48.8648, 2.3013), (48.8651, 2.3004), (48.8673, 2.2996), (48.8728, 2.2958), (48.8741, 2.2935), (48.8746, 2.2941), (48.8753, 2.2935), (48.8771, 2.2922), (48.8791, 2.2909), (48.8793, 2.2908), (48.8792, 2.2883), (48.879, 2.2875), (48.8782, 2.2879), (48.8765, 2.2872), (48.8759, 2.2868), (48.8727, 2.2804), (48.8658, 2.2759), (48.8657, 2.2762), (48.8643, 2.273), (48.864, 2.273), (48.8628, 2.2685), (48.8626, 2.2683), (48.8575, 2.2666)])

def generate_fg(final_contour):
    fg = folium.FeatureGroup(name="kook")
    for index, coord in enumerate(final_contour):
            location=[coord[0], coord[1]],
    polyline_coords = [[coord[0], coord[1]] for coord in final_contour]
    fg.add_child(folium.PolyLine(polyline_coords, color="blue", weight=2.5, opacity=1))
    return fg

n_trials = st.sidebar.number_input('Number of Trials', min_value=3, max_value=50, value=3)
map_container = st.container()

if not st.session_state.study_running:
    if st.button('Start Optuna Study'):
        st.session_state.study_running = True
        st.session_state.best_map_data = None 
        with st.spinner('Running Optuna Study...'):
            for i in range(n_trials):
                print(f'Doing {i} trials')
                if i%2 ==0:
                    map_center = map_center1
                    final_contour = final_contour1
                    map_center = map_center2
                    final_contour = final_contour2

                m = folium.Map(location=map_center, zoom_start=14)
                fg = generate_fg(final_contour)
                st.session_state.best_map_data = m 

        st.session_state.study_running = False

if st.session_state.best_map_data is not None:
    map_display_width = 700
    map_display_height = 500

    with st.container():
        st_folium(st.session_state.best_map_data, width=map_display_width, height=map_display_height)

if st.session_state.study_running:
    if st.button('Abort Study'):
        st.session_state.study_running = False
        st.warning('Optuna Study Aborted')

Hope this makes reproducing easier.

Thanks again for your help.

1 Like

Got an exception.

2024-03-19 07:26:50.362 Uncaught app exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "F:\Project\mystreamlit\stravart\stravart\venv\Lib\site-packages\streamlit\runtime\scriptrunner\", line 542, in _run_script
    exec(code, module.__dict__)
  File "F:\Project\mystreamlit\stravart\stravart\", line 5, in <module>
    from stravart.directions import Route
  File "F:\Project\mystreamlit\stravart\stravart\stravart\", line 9, in <module>
    from config import MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN, GMAPS_KEY
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'config'

My bad, I thought I entirely removed my custom code, this line is not necessary. Removing it:

import streamlit as st
import folium
from streamlit_folium import st_folium

if 'study_running' not in st.session_state:
  st.session_state.study_running = False
if 'current_map_data' not in st.session_state:
  st.session_state.current_map_data = None
if 'current_trial_number' not in st.session_state:
  st.session_state.current_trial_number = 0
if 'map_data' not in st.session_state:
  st.session_state.map_data = None
if 'best_map_data' not in st.session_state:
  st.session_state.best_map_data = None

map_center1, final_contour1 = ((48.9022, 2.2855499999999997), [(48.9042, 2.2753), (48.9049, 2.2747), (48.9057, 2.2771), (48.9063, 2.2764), (48.9071, 2.2761), (48.9091, 2.2748), (48.9092, 2.2769), (48.909, 2.2774), (48.9094, 2.2783), (48.9095, 2.2789), (48.9101, 2.2784), (48.9111, 2.2811), (48.911, 2.2814), (48.9116, 2.2819), (48.9113, 2.2823), (48.9121, 2.2847), (48.9138, 2.2836), (48.9149, 2.2862), (48.9148, 2.2874), (48.9146, 2.2867), (48.9138, 2.2877), (48.9143, 2.289), (48.9155, 2.2906), (48.9152, 2.2899), (48.9133, 2.2931), (48.9129, 2.2938), (48.9111, 2.2957), (48.911, 2.2953), (48.9099, 2.2948), (48.9087, 2.293), (48.9082, 2.2928), (48.9086, 2.2949), (48.9091, 2.2957), (48.9102, 2.2982), (48.9106, 2.2989), (48.9085, 2.2999), (48.9078, 2.2963), (48.9074, 2.2971), (48.9072, 2.2971), (48.9056, 2.294), (48.9035, 2.2897), (48.901, 2.2924), (48.9008, 2.2928), (48.8983, 2.2945), (48.898, 2.2983), (48.8974, 2.2975), (48.8986, 2.2955), (48.8983, 2.2945), (48.8955, 2.297), (48.8891, 2.2906), (48.8865, 2.2858), (48.8856, 2.2847), (48.8829, 2.2875), (48.8819, 2.286), (48.8781, 2.2843), (48.8776, 2.2843), (48.8774, 2.284), (48.8775, 2.2837), (48.8781, 2.2806), (48.8781, 2.2809), (48.8773, 2.2836), (48.8775, 2.2837), (48.8774, 2.284), (48.8776, 2.2843), (48.8781, 2.2844), (48.8808, 2.2855), (48.8811, 2.2843), (48.8828, 2.2824), (48.8835, 2.2819), (48.8838, 2.2818), (48.8872, 2.2789), (48.8877, 2.2784), (48.896, 2.2727), (48.8964, 2.2724), (48.8979, 2.2757), (48.8984, 2.275), (48.8986, 2.2748), (48.8998, 2.2778), (48.8996, 2.278), (48.9021, 2.2753), (48.9024, 2.2748), (48.9042, 2.2753), (48.9033, 2.2762), (48.9, 2.268), (48.898, 2.2636), (48.8971, 2.2643), (48.8954, 2.266), (48.8976, 2.2718), (48.8977, 2.2723), (48.8986, 2.2748), (48.8984, 2.275), (48.898, 2.2755), (48.8964, 2.2724), (48.8927, 2.2722), (48.8929, 2.2722), (48.8934, 2.2733), (48.8924, 2.2742), (48.8933, 2.2763), (48.8935, 2.2761), (48.8936, 2.2763), (48.8944, 2.2767), (48.9011, 2.2868), (48.9009, 2.2862), (48.8923, 2.2935), (48.8906, 2.2919), (48.8895, 2.2931), (48.8866, 2.2958), (48.8865, 2.2952), (48.8868, 2.2963), (48.8874, 2.2979), (48.8885, 2.297), (48.8889, 2.2977), (48.8907, 2.3025), (48.8914, 2.3018), (48.8925, 2.3005), (48.8934, 2.2994), (48.8936, 2.2996), (48.9008, 2.2928), (48.9009, 2.2924), (48.905, 2.288), (48.9084, 2.293), (48.9092, 2.2935), (48.9102, 2.2922), (48.9126, 2.2899), (48.9127, 2.2905), (48.911, 2.2917), (48.9101, 2.2881), (48.9102, 2.2879), (48.9098, 2.2807), (48.9074, 2.283), (48.9042, 2.2753)])
map_center2, final_contour2 = ((48.858900000000006, 2.2855499999999997), [(48.8575, 2.2666), (48.8617, 2.2678), (48.8626, 2.2683), (48.8628, 2.2685), (48.8629, 2.2693), (48.8632, 2.2689), (48.8669, 2.272), (48.8678, 2.2699), (48.8693, 2.2714), (48.8702, 2.2695), (48.8711, 2.2716), (48.8729, 2.2726), (48.8731, 2.2729), (48.8736, 2.2737), (48.8738, 2.2747), (48.8736, 2.2742), (48.8733, 2.2739), (48.8761, 2.2749), (48.8758, 2.2739), (48.8766, 2.2752), (48.8773, 2.2784), (48.8774, 2.2789), (48.8772, 2.2788), (48.877, 2.2805), (48.8769, 2.2807), (48.8766, 2.2815), (48.8767, 2.2823), (48.8763, 2.2823), (48.8768, 2.2834), (48.8775, 2.2837), (48.8774, 2.284), (48.8776, 2.2843), (48.8781, 2.2844), (48.8808, 2.2855), (48.8819, 2.2828), (48.8821, 2.283), (48.8824, 2.2827), (48.882, 2.2835), (48.8827, 2.284), (48.884, 2.2861), (48.8846, 2.2883), (48.8844, 2.2882), (48.8843, 2.2886), (48.8842, 2.2889), (48.8841, 2.2893), (48.8819, 2.2937), (48.8813, 2.2927), (48.8786, 2.2959), (48.8783, 2.2954), (48.8779, 2.2971), (48.8776, 2.2982), (48.8759, 2.3031), (48.8746, 2.3014), (48.8744, 2.3008), (48.8738, 2.3006), (48.8738, 2.3018), (48.8735, 2.3019), (48.873, 2.3029), (48.8719, 2.3014), (48.8705, 2.3007), (48.87, 2.3008), (48.867, 2.3011), (48.8666, 2.3011), (48.8658, 2.3012), (48.8646, 2.3012), (48.8625, 2.3015), (48.8626, 2.3021), (48.8625, 2.3032), (48.8623, 2.3032), (48.8624, 2.3067), (48.8597, 2.3079), (48.8598, 2.3088), (48.858, 2.3093), (48.8575, 2.3099), (48.8535, 2.3094), (48.8529, 2.3085), (48.8495, 2.3037), (48.8493, 2.3037), (48.8481, 2.3021), (48.8421, 2.3031), (48.84, 2.3022), (48.8377, 2.2975), (48.8371, 2.2988), (48.831, 2.2925), (48.8309, 2.2927), (48.8292, 2.2925), (48.8281, 2.2925), (48.8228, 2.2924), (48.822, 2.2937), (48.8198, 2.2931), (48.8187, 2.2918), (48.8183, 2.2922), (48.8177, 2.2911), (48.8166, 2.2925), (48.8142, 2.2883), (48.8143, 2.2881), (48.8159, 2.2865), (48.8158, 2.2852), (48.8175, 2.2837), (48.8177, 2.2837), (48.8196, 2.2829), (48.82, 2.2837), (48.8207, 2.283), (48.8217, 2.2819), (48.8247, 2.2822), (48.8264, 2.2801), (48.827, 2.2793), (48.8282, 2.2815), (48.8303, 2.278), (48.831, 2.2788), (48.8325, 2.2792), (48.833, 2.2779), (48.8334, 2.2769), (48.8337, 2.2765), (48.8363, 2.2781), (48.8368, 2.2784), (48.8371, 2.2771), (48.8384, 2.2782), (48.8458, 2.277), (48.8462, 2.2769), (48.8472, 2.2746), (48.8475, 2.2736), (48.8477, 2.2727), (48.8482, 2.2706), (48.8497, 2.2687), (48.8497, 2.2684), (48.8507, 2.2671), (48.853, 2.2647), (48.8555, 2.266), (48.8558, 2.2646), (48.8566, 2.2662), (48.8568, 2.266), (48.8575, 2.2666), (48.8569, 2.2664), (48.8569, 2.2661), (48.8482, 2.2596), (48.8484, 2.2593), (48.8482, 2.2593), (48.848, 2.2593), (48.8478, 2.259), (48.8475, 2.2583), (48.8476, 2.2573), (48.8474, 2.257), (48.8467, 2.2558), (48.8464, 2.2564), (48.8455, 2.2561), (48.8453, 2.2578), (48.8452, 2.2589), (48.84, 2.2672), (48.8389, 2.2696), (48.8388, 2.27), (48.8395, 2.2715), (48.84, 2.2718), (48.8359, 2.2666), (48.8404, 2.2711), (48.8452, 2.2755), (48.8472, 2.2778), (48.8491, 2.2804), (48.8498, 2.2813), (48.8551, 2.2886), (48.8549, 2.2885), (48.8567, 2.2868), (48.8568, 2.2863), (48.8579, 2.2878), (48.8575, 2.2883), (48.8572, 2.2876), (48.8577, 2.2881), (48.8568, 2.2863), (48.8568, 2.2866), (48.8546, 2.289), (48.8526, 2.2909), (48.8523, 2.2906), (48.8478, 2.3013), (48.8422, 2.3031), (48.8418, 2.3033), (48.8405, 2.3043), (48.8407, 2.3048), (48.8363, 2.31), (48.8359, 2.3099), (48.8361, 2.3101), (48.8364, 2.3104), (48.8467, 2.3208), (48.8455, 2.3188), (48.8467, 2.3165), (48.8493, 2.315), (48.8491, 2.3139), (48.8526, 2.3087), (48.8528, 2.3086), (48.8539, 2.3068), (48.8542, 2.3064), (48.8545, 2.306), (48.8546, 2.3058), (48.8617, 2.3022), (48.8626, 2.302), (48.8625, 2.3015), (48.8648, 2.3013), (48.8651, 2.3004), (48.8673, 2.2996), (48.8728, 2.2958), (48.8741, 2.2935), (48.8746, 2.2941), (48.8753, 2.2935), (48.8771, 2.2922), (48.8791, 2.2909), (48.8793, 2.2908), (48.8792, 2.2883), (48.879, 2.2875), (48.8782, 2.2879), (48.8765, 2.2872), (48.8759, 2.2868), (48.8727, 2.2804), (48.8658, 2.2759), (48.8657, 2.2762), (48.8643, 2.273), (48.864, 2.273), (48.8628, 2.2685), (48.8626, 2.2683), (48.8575, 2.2666)])

def generate_fg(final_contour):
  fg = folium.FeatureGroup(name="kook")
  for index, coord in enumerate(final_contour):
          location=[coord[0], coord[1]],
  polyline_coords = [[coord[0], coord[1]] for coord in final_contour]
  fg.add_child(folium.PolyLine(polyline_coords, color="blue", weight=2.5, opacity=1))
  return fg

n_trials = st.sidebar.number_input('Number of Trials', min_value=3, max_value=50, value=3)
map_container = st.container()

if not st.session_state.study_running:
  if st.button('Start Optuna Study'):
      st.session_state.study_running = True
      st.session_state.best_map_data = None 
      with st.spinner('Running Optuna Study...'):
          for i in range(n_trials):
              print(f'Doing {i} trials')
              if i%2 ==0:
                  map_center = map_center1
                  final_contour = final_contour1
                  map_center = map_center2
                  final_contour = final_contour2

              m = folium.Map(location=map_center, zoom_start=14)
              fg = generate_fg(final_contour)
              st.session_state.best_map_data = m 

      st.session_state.study_running = False

if st.session_state.best_map_data is not None:
  map_display_width = 700
  map_display_height = 500

  with st.container():
      st_folium(st.session_state.best_map_data, width=map_display_width, height=map_display_height)

if st.session_state.study_running:
  if st.button('Abort Study'):
      st.session_state.study_running = False
      st.warning('Optuna Study Aborted')

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