MLify - A simple semi-autoML web data app designed for beginners and deployed on heroku

Hello Streamlit community! :wave:
I am Amaan, a 3rd year computer science student @ KFUPM. I got interested in the field of AI, ML, DL and Data Science this year itself. This is my first post, so first of all I would like to thank streamlit for making data apps easier to build :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes:. Hats off to you guys!

I would like to show my app that I designed for beginners who are interested in machine learning and want to play around with it without getting into much code. It is deployed on heroku. But now, since streamlit has introduced st-sharing, I would like to upload it there. I have entered the waitlist for sharing in Streamlit and I would be sooo glad if I got one! :smiley:

P.S. Any improvements/suggestions about MLify will be appreciated :+1:. I have made other applications too. Hence, once I get my invitation confirmed, I will be sharing all my data apps. Thanks again STREAMLIT :+1: :clap:
Github repo:


Welcome to the Streamlit Community Amaan! :wave:

Sounds great, however, I canโ€™t seem to be able to reach your app at

Is the URL working on your end?


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Hey @Charly_Wargnier,
Yes, it was showing an error. I fixed it :+1:. You may check it now.
Thanks for letting me know :blush:.

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I love it! Super handy!

In the future, would there be a way to upload your own CSV?


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Thanks, I am glad you liked it.
And yes, that is a good suggestion - uploading a csv file and doing EDA, Vis etc. I will include this feature in the next version along with a couple of new things.

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Hey @amaan_142,

Welcome to the Streamlit Community! I just checked out your app I think its great. When I first started out I totally could have used something as intuitive as this, even just to understand all the basic data manipulations you can do with pandas- the describe() function when I found it blew my tiny mind! :exploding_head:

Keep up the good work! If you have already signed up to the waitlist, then Iโ€™m sure your invite will come ASAP. We are growing as fast as we can!

Happy Streamlit-ing!


Sounds good - Thatโ€™d be such a great addition! :raised_hands:

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Hey @Marisa_Smith,
Thanks! I am glad you liked it.
Yeah, I got the invite. St-Share just makes it sooo easy to deploy and share data apps. Iโ€™ll be using it for my future apps.

Happy Streamlit-ing!
Best Wishes,