I’ve recently started Machine Learning and wanted to deploy my ML model as a web application. I came to know about Flask but it was a bit difficult for me to make a web app as I wanted to deploy it ASAP for my Hackathon. Thanks to Streamlit I made the project after following some tutorials on YouTube and following the documentation.
You can check out my Project here - https://redwine-quality-predictor.herokuapp.com/
Looks great. Where did you get the template for your github.io website?
I can only find static ones and I was looking for a responsive page like yours with lazy loads as you scroll.
Indeed, the app looks really nice! Congrats to the great work!
How did you deploy the app in heroku and avoided having the share.streamlit domain? Checked your github repo but could not figure it out. Any help is much appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
Thanks for the reply.
For the website, I followed different YouTube Tutorials. The template can be found in this video.
Thanks for the reply. Glad you liked it.
For the deployment on heroku you can follow this tutorial. Let me know if you find any difficulty while deploying. I’ll be happy to help .
Would you mind sharing the repo for your github.io (maybe with message if you do not want to be public)? It is SICK!
Oh, I meant your github.io page not the heroku website itself. Like @ngocuong0105 already mentioned. Looks great with the web components.
Check the link I gave here .
Thanks. I will definitely look into this. Like I said looks great on your page.
Next up I wanted try learning React with which streamlit was built to get more familiar with web development.
Sounds great
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