Mobile app

Hi everyone,

Is it possible to use streamlit to create mobile apps ?

Thanks and keep this great work.


Hi @Silvio_Lima,

With Streamlit you can easily build and deploy responsive web apps, so a smartphone and a desktop are able to display the content of the deployed app. For example browse to with your smartphone and you’ll see the same functionalities as from your desktop :slight_smile:

You cannot build native mobile apps with Streamlit though. As far as I know the Beeware project is the framework you should study for this if you want to stay in Python, but really there are robust frameworks like Flutter, React Native for this…

Then again if Streamlit worked in Electron maaayyybeeee it could be crossbuilt in a mobile app, but that’s another story :upside_down_face:

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Thanks for your reply.

I´ve asked it because I built an app to use on desktop.
There is a function where I do copy a text from anywhere and do paste in a text area at app.
Someone asked me how use it on mobile, how to do copy&paste a text like in desktop.
Did you understand ?
Is it possible ? Implement the same function to use on mobile ?

Thanks again,


So I tried your web app on my phone (which means using the URL you provided on Chrome on mobile / Firefox on mobile), I selected, copied and pasted text from another website into the textarea and pressed enter, it ran all the translations for the text, all went smoothly it works like a charm for me :smiley: BTW lovin’ the app !

So I don’t really know if he had another problem with its phone, or the web connection went awry, or if I correctly understood the problem, but using your app on a browser on mobile works well on my side. You could try and ask for more details, or if possible send him a demo video of how it works on your mobile.