Nested select_box not displaying any output following selection

I have my app sectioned into 4 or 5 different pages ( The code here is a little ahead of the actually dashboard but I get the same issue on my local session.

option=st.sidebar.selectbox('Select Page', ('Welcome Page', 'Figures and Trends', 'Data Exploration Tool', 'State Data', 'Test', 
                                            'Fun Facts', 'Lorenz Curve'))

On the Data Exploration page the first select_box asks you want you want to do. It defaults to the create a graph function which displays well.

if option=='Data Exploration Tool':

    st.title(' Data Exploration Tool')
    option2=st.selectbox('What would you like to do?', ('Create a graph', 'Filter and display the raw data', 'Make a pivot table'))
    if option2=='Create a graph':
        # Select boxes for series and measure
        option3=st.selectbox('What series would you like to graph?', data.series.unique())

        if option3 in list1:
            option4=st.selectbox('What measure would you like to see?', list1metrics)
        elif option3 in list2:
            option4=st.selectbox('What measure would you like to see?', list2metrics)
            option4=st.selectbox('What measure would you like to see?', list3metrics)
        # Unique values that need to be assigned a percentage y axis

        start_year, end_year=st.select_slider('Select a Date Range',
        st.write('Showing', start_year, 'through', end_year )

    # Revise the below to multiple the y axis by 100 and add % sign if the measure is included in perc_vars
        if option4 in perc_vars:
            df=data[(data.series==option3) & (data.quantile_or_summary_metric==option4)]
            df=df[df.year.between(start_year, end_year)]

            df.plot.line('year', 'value', title=option3+' '+option4,
                   legend=False, xlabel='Year', ylabel='Percent of Total' )
            df=data[(data.series==option3) & (data.quantile_or_summary_metric==option4)]
            df=df[df.year.between(start_year, end_year)]
            df.plot.line('year', 'value', title=option3+' '+option4,
                   legend=False, xlabel='Year' )
        # df=data[(data.series==option3) & (data.quantile_or_summary_metric==option4)]
        # df=df[df.year.between(start_year, end_year)].copy()
        # df.value=pd.to_numeric(df.value)
        # df.plot.line('year', 'value', title=option3+' '+option4,
        #            legend=False, xlabel='Year' )

However, if you select any of the other values nothing shows up. For example,

if option2=='Filter and display raw data':
         # Test Line
         st.write('This tool allows you to filter the data by series and measure')
         option5=st.selectbox('What series would you like to graph?', data.series.unique())
         option6=st.selectbox('What measure would you like to see?', data.quantile_or_summary_metric.unique())

        # # Display the data filter by the series and measure
        #  st.dataframe(data[(data.series==option5) & (data.quantile_or_summary_metric==option6)])

There is an indent for the first line above btw.

I’m not sure why there is not output. I have named the new select_boxes unique names. The st.write doesn’t even show up. Any ideas?

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Hey @gov_econ . It’s an typo error. The choices of option2 has the name Filter and display the raw data. But in the if condition you forget to mention the word the. I’ll attach the proof down. Just correct the condition as:-

if option2=='Filter and display the raw data's:

Hope it works well !!!

Happy Streamlit-ing :balloon:

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This is what happens when you let someone with no attention to detail write code. Cheers!

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