New Awesome App – Energy Management app

Check out this awesome Streamlit app I built

Hello guys,

I am happy to introduce my new app to you. It can help you with designing a system with multiple renewable sources. Please, feel free to test it and let me know about any problems or improvements you would suggest. :slight_smile:

The app is focused on computing energy management (balance) of a system with battery storage, photovoltaics and ORC (optional). All you need is a consumption data in .csv (1st column is date by quarter hours:β€œDatum”: %d.%m.%Y %H:%M; 2nd column is power in kW:β€œSpotreba”: int).
The production data can be generated using API from PVGIS.

After you run the simulation, the results are displayed in the tables and graphs. At the end of the app, you can create a .pdf report with one click.

A peak-shaving is done the same way.

In the 3rd tab, there is a monitor of spot prices of electricity in the Czech Republic.

All text is in Czech, use an automatic translator if needed.

Username: customer
Password: forfem

Enjoy the app!


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