New Components:streamlit-markmap

Markmap Component for Streamlit

GitHub - echoopen/streamlit-markmap: streamlit-markmap

Visualize your Markdown as mindmaps.

This project is heavily inspired by markmap.


pip install streamlit-markmap==1.0.1


1、a simple case

import streamlit as st
from streamlit_markmap import markmap

st.set_page_config(page_title="markmap", layout="wide")

with open('markdown_data/', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
    md =
    #  data = '''
    #       # A
    #       ## AA
    #       ### AAA
    #       #### AAAA
    #       ##### AAAAA
    #       # B
    #       ## BB
    #       ## BC
    #       ### BCA
    #       # C
    #       ## CC
    #       ## CD
    #       ### CDC
    #       ### CDD
    #       ## CE
    #       ### CEC
    #       ### CED
    #       '''

2、a complex case


This example is a reference to the markmap website, and as it is not known whether a declaration is required to use the markmap project, feel free to add one if you wish.

import streamlit as st
from streamlit_markmap import markmap

st.set_page_config(page_title="markmap", layout="wide")

data = '''
  colorFreezeLevel: 2

# markmap

## Links

- <>
- [GitHub](

## Related Projects

- [coc-markmap](
- [gatsby-remark-markmap](

## Features

- links
- **strong** ~~del~~ *italic* ==highlight==
- multiline
- `inline code`
    console.log('code block');
- Katex
  - $x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}$
  - [More Katex Examples](#?
- Now we can wrap very very very very long text based on `maxWidth` option


markmap(data, height=400)

Looks super nice!
Would you mind adding it to the community tracker in Streamlit Components - Community Tracker so we don’t lose track of it :slight_smile: ? Thank you!

Have a nice day!

Thank you!

@echoopen thanks a lot for the amazing component! Would you consider add offline support? It seems that streamlit-markmap cannot be correctly shown in local network with some network issue.

As the original author didn’t answered:
I’ve briefly checked the source of this extension: it does not contain no advanced JS, just Markdown rendered as HTML (one small function!).
I believe, you can use similar functionality offline by copying markmap JS script into your app and slightly modifying the code.

Can I set the zoom page and open the application with the nodes collapsed? I created a huge mind map, and when I open the streamlit viewer, the elements are all expanded and small

Hi, this is my first post to this community. Thanks upfront for all your help.
I can’t make streamlit-markmap work in my laptop. Even with the cases provided, in the screen the text is displayed, but no mindmap: # A ## AA ### AAA #### AAAA ##### AAAAA # B ## BB ## BC ### BCA # C ## CC ## CD ### CDC ### CDD ## CE ### CEC ### CED, all in a single line. I’ve tried all I know, but no succes at all.
I have windows 10 pro, streamlit 1.40.2 and streamlit-markmap 1.0.1

Many thanks

Love it, thanks. It’s working well - doesn’t like being inside an expandable panel but otherwise very nice.