No matching distribution found for streamlit==1.24.0 (Render)

Hi all! I am trying to use the st.chat_message feature for a chatbot (released in the 1.24 update); however, when I specify streamlit == 1.24.0 in the requirements tab, Render fails to deploy my app and returns the error: ERROR: No matching distribution found for streamlit==1.24.0 (from -r requirements.txt (line 1)).

Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks!

P.S. when I do not specify a streamlit version in Render, it reverts to streamlit 1.23.1 (which throws an error for chat_input etc).

Hi @samielsolh

Technically, what you’ve entered for specifying the Python version looks correct.

Yes, you’ll need >1.24.0 to use chat_input and chat_message which is the version that released these 2 chat elements. Have you tried other more recent version on Render such as 1.24.1 and 1.25.0?

Unfortunately, I have tried all three variations (1.24.0, 1.24.1, and 1.25.0) with no luck… Thanks for lending a hand.

Streamlit currently supports Python versions greater than 3.8, could you check what is the Python version for your deployment on Render. If it’s less than 3.8, please adjust it to 3.8 or greater.

Hope this helps

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