Pinned columns not working

I’m trying to pin some columns with column_config, but it doesn’t seem to working as described in documentation.

My code:

  columns_config = {
        "Date": st.column_config.Column("Date",pinned=True),
        "Segment": st.column_config.Column("Segment", pinned=True),
        "Market": st.column_config.Column("Market", pinned=True)
st.dataframe(df, hide_index=True, column_config=columns_config)

But I recieve this error:
TypeError: Column() got an unexpected keyword argument 'pinned'

I know that this ability to pin columns has been added pretty recently (as per these release notes Version 1.41.0). I suspect that Streamlit’s version in my Snowflake is just behind. How can it be checked and upgraded? Or could there be another reason to this issue?

The latest version of Streamlit available in Streamline in Snowflake is 1.39.0. Unfortunately, that means pinned columns isn’t supported yet.

To view your version of Streamlit in Streamlit in Snowflake, you can view your app in editing mode. At the top of your code pane, select “Packages.” The versions are listed under “Streamlit.” If you select “Latest” it just means that it will automatically upgrade as more versions are added.

You can also test any Streamlit app by including:


As an alternative, if you use Snowpark Container Services, you can use the latest version of Streamlit or even streamlit-nightly.