I’m trying to pin some columns with column_config, but it doesn’t seem to working as described in documentation.
My code:
columns_config = {
"Date": st.column_config.Column("Date",pinned=True),
"Segment": st.column_config.Column("Segment", pinned=True),
"Market": st.column_config.Column("Market", pinned=True)
st.dataframe(df, hide_index=True, column_config=columns_config)
But I recieve this error:
TypeError: Column() got an unexpected keyword argument 'pinned'
I know that this ability to pin columns has been added pretty recently (as per these release notes Version 1.41.0). I suspect that Streamlit’s version in my Snowflake is just behind. How can it be checked and upgraded? Or could there be another reason to this issue?