PyData Amsterdam 2024

:netherlands:Welcome all PyData Amsterdam 2024 attendees!

:star_struck: Throughout the conference , this is your go-to place to ask questions about Streamlit, engage with the community, and participate in the exciting Swag Challenge!

How to play the swag challenge on September 19:

  1. Snap and share a photo :camera_flash: of your paper shape. Inquiring minds want to know!
    Is the Streamlit logo a crown :crown: or a boat :sailboat:?


  1. Five (5) lucky winners will be chosen at random to win a backpack!

You’re eligible to win if you are attending the PyData social event on Thursday, September 19. All winners are subject to Streamlit approval. Contest ends September 19 by 22:00 and winners will be contacted by direct message on September 20.


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