Questions on building layouts with beta_components

I am trying to build custom layouts using the beta components that have been released and I have several questions that relate to these.

  1. When I try to use beta_expander, why does the layout begin at the middle of the page, rather than towards the left ?

# Reproducible Example 
import streamlit as st

# Attempt a layout with beta_expander
layout = st.beta_expander('Toolbox Layout', expanded=True)

# Add a header
with layout:

    # Add a sidebar
    rand_1 = st.number_input('Random Value - 1')
    rand_2 = st.number_input('Random Value - 2')
    rand_3 = st.number_input('Random Value - 3')
    rand_4 = st.number_input('Random Value - 4')
    rand_5 = st.number_input('Random Value - 5')
    rand_6 = st.number_input('Random Value - 6')
    rand_7 = st.number_input('Random Value - 7')
    rand_8 = st.number_input('Random Value - 8')

    # Add some operation widgets
    selection_box = st.selectbox(
        "Select a mathematical operation:",
        ('Addition', 'Subtract', 'Division', 'Exponent')

    # Provide a run button
    run = st.button(label='Calculate')

I also tried to add a beta_container, hoping that it might help fix the spacing. However, that is not the case.

  1. Why does beta_columns not align the tops as shown in the examples? I have raised this issue in a separate [discussion] as well, but all the suggested solutions don’t work especially when using plotly, even though I didn’t use plotly in this example.

# Reproducible Example 
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# Attempt a layout with beta_expander
layout = st.beta_expander('Toolbox Layout', expanded=True)

# Add a header
with layout:
    # Add another container
    ui, result = st.beta_columns((1, 3))

    with ui:
        # Add a sidebar
        rand_1 = st.number_input('Random Value - 1')
        rand_2 = st.number_input('Random Value - 2')
        rand_3 = st.number_input('Random Value - 3')
        rand_4 = st.number_input('Random Value - 4')

        # Add some operation widgets
        selection_box = st.selectbox(
            "Select a mathematical operation:",
            ('Addition', 'Subtract', 'Division', 'Exponent')

        # Provide a run button
        run = st.button(label='Calculate')

    with result:
        if run:
            chart_data = pd.DataFrame(
                np.random.randn(50, 3),
                columns = ["a", "b", "c"]

Appreciate any help in advance.


For the first question, add this to after streamlit import. If you want at the all the way left, you have to make your configs for wide.
cols = st.beta_columns(3)
with cols[0]:`
For the second question, you do not have too many options except adding a markdown text to top of the plot with HTML turned on and determining the exact height.

Thank you for your response. I tried the following based on your advice, please let me know if I interpreted your suggestion correctly. However, I don’t see any change in the layout even after this implementation:

# Reproducible Example
import streamlit as st

# Attempt a layout with beta_expander
layout = st.beta_columns(3)

# Add a header
with layout[0]:

    # Add a sidebar
    rand_1 = st.number_input('Random Value - 1')
    rand_2 = st.number_input('Random Value - 2')
    rand_3 = st.number_input('Random Value - 3')
    rand_4 = st.number_input('Random Value - 4')
    rand_5 = st.number_input('Random Value - 5')
    rand_6 = st.number_input('Random Value - 6')

    # Add some operation widgets
    selection_box = st.selectbox(
        "Select a mathematical operation:",
        ('Addition', 'Subtract', 'Division', 'Exponent')

    # Provide a run button
    run = st.button(label='Calculate')