RuntimeError: Data of size 107.9MB exceeds write limit of 50.0MB

Hey @ravinpoudel,

The over 50Mb for a download link and over 50Mb to generate an Altair chart actually happen for different reasons:

  • the 50Mb for download link is solved with the static asset directory,
  • the 50Mb for Altair is solved by modifying the Streamlit library installed in your environment as explained here or some posts above. You can find the path to your Streamlit library programmatically with:
python -c "import streamlit as st; print(st.__path__)"

> \\Continuum\\anaconda3\\envs\\streamlit-custom\\lib\\site-packages\\streamlit

Beware this will reset every time you reinstall Streamlit. It is not the optimal solution but for now it’s the only available one .

Hope you can sort it out!

EDIT: tracked on Transfer large websocket messages as a sequence of smaller chunks · Issue #414 · streamlit/streamlit · GitHub