Download zip file

Hi! I need some help with my streamlit app. I have a local zip file and want to add a link to download in my app. Can someone help me with this?, i found some codes but none is working to me, Thanks in advance!

I also face this problem, and need a good solution.
I tried the solution of like this:

with open(zip_path, ā€œrbā€) as f:
bytes =
    b64 = base64.b64encode(bytes).decode()
    href = f'<a href="data:file/zip;base64,{b64}" download=\'{filename}.zip\'>\
        Click to download\
st.sidebar.markdown(href, unsafe_allow_html=True)

this solution will report RuntimeError:Data of size 280MB exceeds write limit of 50MB.

related topic link:

How to download file in streamlit - Using Streamlit - Streamlit

After dinner, I found a perfect solution that without download size limitation to download local file on server.

for example:
if our server IP is or domain name is
and our local file short path is /Q/W/example.7z

we can solve the problem like this:

import streamlit as st
import streamlit.components.v1 as components

#use ip

#use domain name

we also can save the short path of files under a specific local directory
and save the short path into a database
in that way, we can build a local search and download share platform.

Hi @diegovct and @BeyondMyself :wave:

With Streamlit version 0.88.0, you can use st.download_button :slightly_smiling_face:

If your zip file, say, is in the same location as your app:

import streamlit as st

with open("", "rb") as fp:
    btn = st.download_button(
        label="Download ZIP",

If itā€™s in a folder, say dir/, you can download from a file pointer:

import streamlit as st

with open("dir/", "rb") as fp:
    btn = st.download_button(
        label="Download ZIP",

Happy Streamlitā€™ing! :balloon:


thanks for your share.

I found the st.download_button is not support downloading rar and 7z format file.
It will report 404: Not Found.
Do we have solution to solve this problem?

Hi @BeyondMyself,

The value for the mime argument in st.download_button depends on the file type.

File MIME type
.zip application/zip
.rar application/octet-stream
.7z application/octet-stream

Have you tried using the appropriate MIME type?

Best, :balloon:

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it was not work.
for rar file, I used the code:

with open("myfile.rar", "rb") as fp:
    btn = st.download_button(
        label="Download RAR",

for 7z file, I used the code:

with open("myfile.7z", "rb") as fp:
    btn = st.download_button(
        label="Download 7z",

Thanks for confirming, @BeyondMyself!

In these cases, we can assume the file to be downloaded is a binary file containing bytes. As such, the appropriate MIME type for binary data is ā€œapplication/octet-streamā€.

Iā€™ve updated my original answer with this correction. I am able to successfully download .rar files using mime="application/octet-stream".

Does this help? Tagging @kajarenc who may have more insight into how st.download_button handles these filetypes :slightly_smiling_face:

Best, :balloon:

Yes, test tells us for zip file use mime=ā€œapplication/zipā€
for rar and 7z file need to use mime=ā€œapplication/octet-streamā€
so the last answer of mime type for rar and 7z is wrong.

Youā€™re right. Iā€™ve updated the table in my last answer.

Thanks for your kindly help.
After change mime type, now 7z and rar file both can be downloaded successfully.

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Hello @BeyondMyself!

This was a bug, and it has been fixed and will be available in the next release!

Thank you very much for your message!

OK, hope download zip, 7z, rar file useage will be clear for common users in next version release.