I am new to streamlit and coding in general and I’m working on a custom app to display some of our organization’s data. The app I’ve created works, but it is very slow and zooming in and out and other interactive features are very time consuming. I think this can be solved with caching but I’m not sure how to integrate that into my current app. Any help would be great!
import streamlit as st
import altair as alt
import pandas as pd
import erddapy
from vega_datasets import data
Connect to ERDDAP
st.title(‘SWOT Prawler Data’)
e = erddapy.ERDDAP(‘http://heron.pmel.noaa.gov:8080/erddap’, protocol=‘tabledap’)
e.dataset_id = ‘TELON001_PRAWC_N001’ # Data Set to Use
Pull Data from ERDDAP
dfp = e.to_pandas()
dfp[‘time (UTC)’] = pd.to_datetime(dfp[‘time (UTC)’])
Create a subset of the datas
sub = dfp.loc[:,[‘time (UTC)’, ‘SB_Depth’, ‘SB_Temp’, ‘SB_Conductivity’, ‘wetlab_Chlorophyll’]]
source = sub
brush = alt.selection(type=‘interval’)
#dropdown to select y-axis
option = st.selectbox(
‘Select a Dataset’,
[‘SB_Temp:Q’, ‘SB_Conductivity:Q’, ‘Optode_Dissolved_O2:O’, ‘wetlab_Chlorophyll:Q’])
#top panel to plot the data
c = alt.Chart(
title=“SWOT Prawler Data”
x=alt.X(‘time (UTC):T’, scale=alt.Scale(
clamp=True, padding=10)
y=alt.Y(‘SB_Depth:Q’,axis=alt.Axis(title=‘Depth (m)’),
scale=alt.Scale(zero=False, padding=5, domain=[500,0])),
color=alt.condition(brush, option, alt.value(‘lightgray’))
#2nd chart
second = alt.Chart(
title=“Zoomed in Plot”
y=alt.Y(‘SB_Depth:Q’, sort = “descending”),
color=alt.Color(option, sort = ‘descending’, scale=alt.Scale(scheme=“redblue”)),
x='time (UTC):T',
alt.Tooltip('time (UTC):O', title='Datetime'),
alt.Tooltip('SB_Depth:O', title='Depth'),
alt.Tooltip(option, title=option)
height=500, width=700
c & second