Streamlit-aggrid crashing my streamlit application

Hey all, I’m checking with our team to see if the feature that was causing the issue is still active. I’ll let you know when I have an update

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Thank you bkandel! I found that my issue is not related to the aggrid and it was solved.

Hey all, I checked with our team and the feature in question has not changed, so that wouldn’t be causing the issue here.

Hi folks, I’m having the same issue when I deploy my app in AWS fargate (local it never happens). It also works sometimes. It is not just with this component, though. I have on the same page an aggrid and a streamlit-tree-select. It seems they are both trying to find a .js, but can’t find it. The name of the js is the same for both, so I’m assuming this is a streamlit-related js and not component-specific (maybe the assumption is wrong, I’m not a web dev, so I apologize in advance :smile: )
I pattern I identified is that the error is most likely to occur (almost 100% of the cases) when I have more than one browse tabs with the app open.