Random Crash/Reset, Page does Full Refresh of Widgets and Data... Ag-grid Crashes

Now I’m not sure if this is an ag-grid issue, streamlit issue or both…I am a BIG user of ag-grid but this issue is a silent killer.

Upon refresh of the ag-grid, at RANDOM, the entire page will fully refresh and widgets/Filters reset, thus the last update to the grid does not get saved to backend. My users no longer can use the grid because it is not reliable. They update a bunch of rows, and after clicking “update” the page does a full refresh and all their inputs are NOT saved.

I have also looked everywhere and tried all types of different variations of settings…same issue…I tried all update_modes (‘GRID_UPDTAE’, ‘VALUE_UPDATE’, ‘MANUAL’…) the experience is the same.

I’ve seen on streamlit forums that others have experienced similar phantom page resets where they did not use ag-grid so I’m thinking this appears to be a streamlit issue rather than ag-grid? I also have experienced similar full page resets when not using ag-grid but those are harder to duplicate, the ag-grid issues happens all the time.

Had anyone else experienced this? I can’t continue to use aggrid on streamlit if this issue doesn’t get resolved :frowning:


I’ve been having issues with ag-grid, specifically on Streamlit Community Cloud platform deployment, too.
My issue is reported here:
And I have contacted support@streamlit.io without response yet.

I realized after multiple tests that the issue happens for users of the app, but not for me as a developer (meaning that if I authenticate with Github on Streamlit Cloud and run the app I have no problem, but if I run it as a user without Github authentication I do get the problem).

Like you, I am stuck with this problem and considering avoiding ag-grid component, which would make me very sad for the lost functionality!

in my case I use my own server and not github, and I don’t have this problem with user authentication

In my particular case, the issue was related to a feature in Streamlit Cloud platform, not streamlit-aggrid. Streamlit Cloud team disabled the problematic feature, which solved the issue.