Streamlit app has a different behavior when launched it in foreground or in the background using batch mode

Hi Team,

We see that streamlit app has a different behavior when we launch it in foreground or in the background using batch mode. Attaching some error screenshots which appears when app runs in background using batch mode.

The behavior occurs when we hit calculate button and it says Microsoft Excel cannot access the file at some location. Basically it a com err! The functionality works fine when the app launches in foreground using cmd or powershell.

We wanted to understand how the Streamlit processes the files in foreground and background. If possible, can we arrange the meeting with Streamlit team to discuss this?

Hi @chetan-vaidya3d,

Thanks for sharing your question. It looks like you didn’t include the screenshots you mentioned. It’s difficult for us to help troubleshoot without an error message and code snippet.

Caroline :balloon:

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