Streamlit Component template in Vue.js


Iā€™ve been playing with Vue.js again to build Streamlit Components, and huhā€¦ I managed to copy most of the React template into a Vue.js scoped slot. There are probably rough edges (I only tested it for 10 minutesā€¦) but you should be able to install any Vue.js component into Streamlit with this, the same way youā€™d do with the React template (I integrated vue-echarts succesfully).

Itā€™s still quite experimental, and Vue+TS generates a lot of warnings in the consoleā€¦
Iā€™m probably going to spin a branch to test Vue 3ā€™s composition API + Typescript when I got some time, so codebase may move a lot in the coming weeks.

Iā€™m interested if anybody is more of a Vue.js than React person to test it / has more experience with Vue than my rusty memories to provide feedback :slight_smile:




For those interested, I have upgraded this template to Vue 3 on another branch (which makes it much easier to setup Typescript + liking the Composition API :heavy_heart_exclamation:)

Removed the WIP status, I think itā€™s good enough now :wink: