Hello @HadarakDev, welcome to the forum!
- I tried to use st.image but as you can’t specify a key its not working.
Unfortunately, you cannot mix Streamlit native widgets (ie. st.image
) with Streamlit Elements.
- I also tried with media card from mui without any success !
Would you mind sharing your code? The component is not as easy-to-use as it seems, and your code could help me understand if there is some unclear aspects in my documentation, or even give me ideas to improve the API.
As to how to do it, here’s a demo with the source code below:
import requests
import streamlit as st
from base64 import b64encode
from streamlit_elements import elements, dashboard, html
# Some random image URL.
images_url = [
# Download these images and get their bytes.
images_bytes = [requests.get(url).content for url in images_url]
# Encode these bytes to base 64.
images_b64 = [b64encode(bytes).decode() for bytes in images_bytes]
# Initialize a layout for our dashboard.
# It's gonna be a 2x2 grid, with each element being of height 3 and width 6 out of 12.
layout = [
dashboard.Item("image0", 0, 0, 6, 3),
dashboard.Item("image1", 6, 0, 6, 3),
dashboard.Item("image2", 0, 3, 6, 3),
dashboard.Item("image3", 6, 3, 6, 3),
with elements("image_grid"):
with dashboard.Grid(layout):
# We iterate over our images encoded as base64.
# enumerate() will return the item's index i from 0 to 3, so I can generate
# dashboard layout keys from "image0" to "image3".
for i, b64 in enumerate(images_b64):
# We pass our base 64 to <img src=...></img> to display our image.
# See: https://stackoverflow.com/a/8499716
# A simple CSS style to avoid image distortion on resize.
css={"object-fit": "cover"},
# We set the key to bind our image to a dashboard item.