Hey guys, I’ve developed a music genre classifier app. The app classifies music into one of the 10 genres. It accepts input in MP3 as well as wav format. It also displays spectrogram of uploaded music file. I would like to thank @sree369nidhi for suggesting me to use pydub for MP3 to wav conversion. Here is the link of the deployed app using streamlit share.
Hey @harish_natarajan!
Your app looks super cool! Can I make a small suggestion? It would be amazing if you had a couple files as demo’s (in case your someone like me who wants to check out your app but doesn’t have any music files or on mobile).
They don’t have to be anything fancy, maybe just some examples from your testing set!
Happy Streamlit-ing!
Hey @Marisa_Smith!
Thank you for the suggestion. It is a great idea.Definitely I’ll try to add this feature to the app.
Hey @Marisa_Smith !
I’ve added the feature of using demo audio file for testing. Thank you for the suggestion once again. I’ve also deployed it again on streamlit share.
Hi @harish_natarajan your app turned out wonderful, happy to help.
Happy Streamlit-ing
Thanks @sree369nidhi bro. Thanks for letting me know about pydub.
That looks fantastic!
I really love the options in the examples!
Happy Streamlit-ing!