🐲 StreamlitLand Adventure RPG [text-based game in Streamlit!]

Hello Streamlit Community!

The ultimate StreamlitLand Adventure is finally here :dragon_face:

Join the brotherhood of heroes and save the StreamlitLand from the terrible NNADLBDGD!


I’d like to welcome you to try out the alpha version of StreamlitLand Adventure RPG, a classic text-based role-playing game.

In-game screenshot:

App purpose

Having fun :slightly_smiling_face:

If you have any suggestions on how we could make the beta version better, please do not hesitate to comment! More rooms? More dry humor? More NPCs?

Technical side

  1. Scene based environment with many uses of st.session_state
  2. streamlit_extras.metrics_cards used for health, mana & gold menu
  3. st.text_input clears itself after enter for better user experience (maybe I will write separate post about it)
  4. quite a few experimental_reruns and callbacks
  5. total reset of session state when you get killed

Potential future developments

It’s an alpha! It really is. Please feel free to post any ideas for improvements.

From the gameplay side: add spells? more weapons? higher difficulty level? more easter-eggs? secret commands?

From technical side: auto-scroll to top of the site on mobile, fight with st.text_input focus on Xiaomi and Pixel (for some reason enter does not trigger app to move further)


First 3 people who will send me a DM with a screenshot of the final room will be mentioned in the beta version credits!


Cool to see you using Streamlit extras!

Some ideas for your game:

  1. Have you ever played Thea 2? They have an awesome event editor with multiple branches that could be a great source of ideas: Thea 2: The Shattering on Steam the editor may even be available in the free demo.
  2. More things to buy. Armor, health potion magic spell, etc
  3. More ways to make money, including events where choosing a good answer rewards you with coins.
  4. Allow player to choose a class when they create a character, with different starting health/mana/gold and maybe even unique choices during events.
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Hi @Courtland_Goldengate thank you for your kind feedback and great ideas!

  1. Thea 2 looks nice; I will definitely check it out.
  2. Buying things from other NPCs - surely there have to be some nomadic merchants in StreamlitLand :wink:
  3. Events with questions and gold rewards - I like the concept; I will add it to the top of the ideas backlog.
  4. Different characters - this is on the roadmap; however, I may use some of the synergy from this post with Brainstorming Buddy – as you mentioned there, it is an important use case :slight_smile:
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Hi all, quick update:

  1. Code is now open and can be found on the github: GitHub - TomJohnH/streamlit-game
  2. Some of the texts were rewritten
  3. Code refactor is in progress


  • 14.01.2023 user interface has been redesigned for improved gameplay and user satisfaction :slight_smile:
  • 14.01.2023 added a cat
  • 07.01.2023 the code was refactored and split into modules

Hi, there! Bi-weekly update:


  • added new scenes and NPCs. Now you can create a party with Elf sorceress!
  • added audio to all main scenes
  • added new visuals and animations
  • added a “buy ma a coffee” button

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