Some of you may already be aware of my love for Streamlit’s versatility. I’ve been working on a new project for some time and its demo is now ready to be shown to the community!
The Dungeon: a streamlit dungeon crawler game
Desktop app:
Works best on Android and Chrome. If you would like to help me out with iOS and Safari, you are more than welcome. Btw. please note the JS hack for buttons and auto scrolling feature
- Code is open: github
- My objective was to maximize the use of Streamlit and Python and only resort to JavaScript when necessary. I’m quite pleased with the outcome.
- If you would like to join me in The Dungeon development, please pop me a DM!
- Serious code refactor I plan to keep level parameters for animate and inanimate objects in easily modifable JSON
- Additional levels
- RPG mechanics - experience points, weapons etc.
- Do you want to know more details about the engine and the development process? (for example, levels can be “drawn” in Google Spreadsheets and imported to the game)
- I’ve used quite a few visual hacks for streamlit - would you be interested for some tutorials in this area?
- How would you like the project to develop further?