Version 0.62.0

Version 0.62.0


  • :incoming_envelope: Ability to turn websocket compression on/off via the config option server.enableWebsocketCompression. This is useful if your server strips HTTP headers and you do not have access to change that behavior.
  • :old_key: Out-of-the-box support for CSRF protection using the Cookie-to-header token technique. This means that if you’re serving your Streamlit app from multiple replicas you’ll need to configure them to to use the same cookie secret with the server.cookieSecret config option. To turn XSRF protection off, set server.enableXsrfProtection=false.

Notable bug fixes:

  • :framed_picture: Added a grace period to the image cache expiration logic in order to fix multiple related bugs where images sent with st.image or st.pyplot were sometimes missing.