Version 0.83.0

Release date: Jun 17, 2021


Notable Changes

  • :page_facing_up: st.form now has a clear_on_submit parameter which ā€œresetsā€ all the formā€™s widgets when the form is submitted.

Other Changes


Looks good! Like the added documentation on connecting to the various databases :slight_smile:

What does the roadmap towards session state look like? Can we expect it in any of the upcoming releases?

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Hey @maarten-betman,

More info regarding session state is coming really soon :star_struck: - keep an eye on the forum, we should have an update in the next few weeks! :partying_face:


@kmcgrady @tc1 Any update on changing the default web_socket_ping parameter? Frustrated: Streamlit frontend disconnects from apps with long-running processes - #11 by thiago

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Hey @kmcgrady, great to see you adding new functionality and documentation all the time!

In terms of database documentation, is there any chance of a guide for connecting to Azure SQL Database? Iā€™ve managed it locally, but am having difficulties getting it working on Streamlit sharing as mentioned here:


Hey @Kladar,

@tim commented on the other thread, but sharing it here too for any community members who may be interested: Frustrated: Streamlit frontend disconnects from apps with long-running processes - #15 by tim


st.selectbox with empty label st.selectbox('', ...) renders useless <label class="css-xxxxx xxxxxxx"></label> tag.
In v0.81.0, empty label didnā€™t rendered <label> tag.
Please check if this was intended improvement.

Hi @sethheon

Thank you for reaching out. It was intentional and included mainly for consistency since itā€™s included for every other widget. This change included the need to align widgets in columns more evenly.

I do advocate for a label for every widget as it is helpful from an accessibility background. Streamlit has more to improve here, but ensuring users put in a label for every widget is a start.

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