View-only Access my own app

@Ilya what types of changes did you make in the GitHub repository? Have you connected the GitHub account associated that owns that repository?

Should I delete the app so that you can redeploy it?

Hello! The problem has dissappeared after a day, thank you for the reply. If I were to make new changes in the code of the github repository, will that cause problems with that app? GitHub account associated with the repository is connected to the streamlit cloud account.

Updating your source code should not affect permissions. If it happens again and you can reproduce it reliably, I can jump on a call and debug.

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Hi @Alexandru_Toader, I have the same issue, only had view permissions, thought deleting the repo would delete the app, and now I dont have the repo anymore but I still cant delete the repo.

Could you do that for me? The app url is

@julius1 done.

Hi @Alexandru_Toader , I have a similar issue. Could you please delete the app for me?

Hi @Alexandru_Toader,

many thanks for deleting it. Unfortunately, my attempt to deploy a private repo still fails, as community cloud tells me the source code is not connected to GitHub. Do you have an idea on what might cause this? I have no other private repos deployed.

@Alexandru_Toader I think I have a similar issue. I haven’t made any changes to my github repos but when I visit my dashboard it says I have view-only access to my own projects. Here’s the URL of the project I’m most concerned about:

Well, it seems to be working now. I didn’t do anything though.

Hi @Alexandru_Toader , I have a similar issue. Could you please delete the app
for me ??
Thank you.

Hello @Alexandru_Toader I have a kind of similar issue. I transferred 2 repositories from my github account to another account. I had a few streamlit projects tied to one of these repositories, and now the most important project is not updating correctly. I can’t manage it through this danilevas account, it is view only, and through the other account, it doesn’t even show any projects. When I try to deploy something from one of the two repositories it says they don’t exist.

I tried renaming the repository, and nothing really changed. Could you please DM me so I can tell you exactly what projects do delete?

I hope that by doing this I will be able to deploy these from the other account in streamlit.

I hit this as well. Transferred the repo from my personal GitHub account to an organizational one, and even transferring it back didn’t let give me edit rights again.

@Alexandru_Toader could you please delete Thank you.

Hi @Alexandru_Toader. I have a similar problem for:

could you help me delete it?

@Pratham I deleted
@Calvin1 I deleted

@MaxGhenis I deleted

@Steven5 have you been able to reproduce the issue? In certain situations, there might be a delay between the time an application is deployed and the moment we replicate GitHub permissions in our system, but it should take longer than 1 hour.

Thanks @Alexandru_Toader, could you please delete and as well? I tried to redeploy to that (directly from GitHub - HiveSight/hivesight), but I don’t have edit access to them either, and when I try to deploy to it goes straight to

Hello @Alexandru_Toader I am having the same issue, I have deleted the repo from my github account. Can you please help me delete this app:


@MaxGhenis @Chinemelu I have deleted the apps.

Thank you very much