Welcome to the Weekly Roundup!
10/03/22 - 10/09/22
Issue - V120
Current Release: 1.13.0
Every week we’ll share community-driven apps and articles that were shared with us during the previous week as well as any major announcements from Streamlit. If there is anything we missed feel free to add it in a comment or @ us on Twitter!
= articles
= videos
= apps
Custom subdomains have arrived! Check out the docs for more info and sign in to your Community Cloud account to create your own.
Want to share all of your social links in one place? Learn how to make a Streamlit links page in this tutorial from @dataprofessor.
Featured Content
How I integrate Javascript / React libraries into Streamlit @andfanilo
Streamlit Metrics
Converting a Jupyter Notebook to Streamlit
How to deploy Streamlit Clould with Github
Начало работы с Streamlit - Курсы “Школы Больших Данных” г. Москва
Учебный центр “Коммерсант”
Функциональное веб приложение на Streamlit - Курсы “Школы Больших Данных” г. Москва
How to Remove the Background from Images with Python and rembg - bonus Streamlit App
Belajar Streamlit [Dasar] - 04a - Cara Menampilkan Grafik di Aplikasi Streamlit Part 1
Belajar Streamlit [Dasar] - 04b - Cara Menampilkan Grafik di Aplikasi Streamlit Part 2
Tl;dr —I built a web app that summarizes search articles
Streamlit Trick: Automatically Reload Webpage
Building a multi-page app with Streamlit and restricting user access to pages using AWS Cognito
Streamlit + PySide = standalone data app
CryptoCurrency price from Coinremitter api using Python Streamlit
How to Build an Effective Web App in 8 Simple Steps
Using interactive data tools to get a better understanding of how monetary policy may impact your mortgage payments
Upload your Streamlit app to Heroku
Web-apps using Streamlit
Streamlit で機械学習, 画像処理系の UI を作るメモ
Créer des applications Web de science des données en quelques minutes avec Streamlit
pythonで使えるモダンなGUIライブラリ nicegui
Science and Tech
NLP and Language
Yoruba Proverb Generator App
Twitter Dashboard for #MahsaAmini #مهسا_امینی
Library Insights
Youtube Transcriber
Data Visualization
Streamlit + ipyvizzu @avratanubiswas
LinkedIn MyNetwork Analysis @ritesh.sharma29
Mondo (指定オープンクイズ) の得点分布 @kota7
Indonesia’s YouTube Trending Statistics
Youtuber’s Streamlit Dashboard
Mondo Quiz
Zomato Restaurant Analysis Web App| python streamlit| ProDataScience
Brian Paredes - DTS-03 - Data Analytics-Python-Pandas-Streamlit
streamlit app landmark classification on mars
CV and Images
Finance and Business
台北市預售屋交易數據分析 @SSP6258
CTC Predction app
Machine learning project to predict median house values
Employee Attrition
Crypto Dashboard
Lending Club Case Study
Geography and Society
PyCommerce Project
Oil field tool kit - Reservoir Engineering, MPFM, Memory gauges & Simulation
Scraping emails from GitHub awareness
Spotify Dataset Generator
Open Pharma
Generate your own patterns and sing along
Model building and training
Cool happenings and other things
- Streamlit + Wasm + Electron = Desktop app! @whitphx
- Tun’E up your ML dashboard - a Streamlit crash course Upcoming meetup 10/23