Welcome to the Weekly Roundup!
8/01/22 - 8/14/22
Issue - V113
Current Release: 1.12.0
Every week we’ll share community-driven apps and articles that were shared with us during the previous week as well as any major announcements from Streamlit. If there is anything we missed feel free to add it in a comment or @ us on Twitter!
= articles
= videos
= apps
Version 1.12.0 has been released.
Check out the newly improved built-in charts.
Learn about the
function to easily add a filtering UI to your dataframe! @Tyler @arnaud @blackary
Featured Content
Sports Analytics Project With Python & Streamlit
Build a Static Code Analysis App with Streamlit and Python @Jesse_JCharis
Gender Equality in Indonesia
Vietnam National Team Data App
How to build a Web App to Transcribe and Summarize audio with Python
Can I build a Streamlit AMA App + Firestore Database in 1 hour? @andfanilo
Expoloring Streamlit Analytics @Jesse_JCharis
Data Science Mini Projects for Beginners
TUTORIAL STREAMLIT | Ngulik Data | Algoritma 2022
FAST AI: Model deployment using Streamlit, Gradio, and Hugging Face Spaces
Scrum master part 1 - python - streamlit + flask
Scrum master part 2 - streamlit flask
Live Coding - Compartilhando Gráficos Interativos da Covid-19 com Python
Call-backs Properties In Streamlit | Complete Streamlit Python Course | Streamlit Tutorial 40
Session States In Streamlit | Complete Streamlit Python Course | Streamlit Tutorial 41
Cache In Streamlit | Complete Streamlit Python Course | Streamlit Tutorial 42
Visualizar datos en un mapa con Python y Streamlit 2022
Liron Soffer - Web apps for data science using streamlit
Streamlit in python | Part-1 | Tamil | Deep Matrix | Data Science
Streamlit in python | Part-2 | Tamil | basic components | Deep Matrix | Data Science
Streamlit in python | Part-3 | basic components| Deep Matrix | Data Science
Machine Learning Deployment (Streamlit & Spyder)
Custom HTML In Streamlit | Complete Streamlit Python Course | Streamlit Tutorial 43
Custom CSS In Streamlit | Complete Streamlit Python Course | Streamlit Tutorial 44
Animations In Streamlit | Complete Streamlit Python Course | Streamlit Tutorial 45
Python Youtube Video İndirme Uygulaması Örneği Streamlit Pytube Arayüz Yapımı
Freqs Build A Blockchain Part 1
Space Titatic Streamlit Project Pt 1 Building the model
Dog Breed Classification: Part 3 (Simple App Development)
Creando un detector de Fake News desde 0
Como fazer um aplicativo web simples com pouquíssimas linhas usando apenas Python (pois é!)
Deploying your Machine Learning Algorithm: Part 1
Rapid Prototyping Using Terraform, GitHub Action, Docker and Streamlit in GCP
How to Use Python in an M&A Deal: Gas Station Locations
End-to-end machine learning project using FastAPI, Streamlit and Docker
Space Titatic Streamlit Project Pt 2 working on the python file and setting up the project
Space Titanic Streamlit Project Pt 3 Predicting the result based on user input
Streamlit | Alterando dados no banco com Python #6
Streamlit | Alterando dados no banco com Python #7
Streamlit + No SQL Database Insert and Retrieval
streamlit ومميزاته في علوم البيانات Data Science
Built Basic Flower Classifier Web App Using Streamlit
Build Your Own Pokedex Web App With Streamlit
Searching For Semantic Similarity!
Creating an Awesome Web App with Python and Streamlit
Image Classifier with Streamlit
Start Caching With Python: Basics, Caching Policies, And StreamLit Caching With Python
Build an asynchronous nutrition app on Streamlit
Python Streamlit: Uploading and Using Files
Develop an Analytics Dashboard using Streamlit?
【Python】 StreamlitとPlotlyでダッシュボードを作成する方法
Create Dashboard with Folium Map and Streamlit - Tutorial @zakaria
Making a Multipaged Application using Streamlit
Building an S&P 500 Dashboard using Streamlit and GridDB
Understanding Classification Metric with Streamlit
Super Awesome Streamlit Apps & Components @ShruAgarwal
Streamlit Tutorial: Deploying an AutoML Model Using Streamlit [Step by Step]
Streamlit User and API Authentication with Auth0 Next.js SDK @Asehmi
Streamlit tutorial(How to build machine learning applications)
Criar CRUD com Streamlit e o PostgreSQL
Science and Tech
NLP and Language
Minion Translator @ayansengupta17
Bwhiz Whatsapp Chat Analysis
Google Trends & NeuralProphet - Explainable Trends at Scale
Amazon Analytics Made Easy - Watch Collection
Classifier of Emotion in Text
Data Visualization
Apache Airflow - DAG Viewer @Kamil_Bregula
Covid case County growth (per capita) dashboard @Marcos_Huerta
United States Covid-19 Data Analysis @pooja97
Ramai di Citayam Fashion Week, Bagaimana Nasib Gen Z?
Alternatives to Pie Charts
CV and Images
Image to WebP Converter
ASL Classifier
Cosmetic Checker
Underwater fish detection
streamlit-image-table-pandas-app @robmarkcole
Search and Detect
Finance and Business
Retail Insights
Coursera recommendation system
Insurance charges predictions apps
Chennai House Price Predictor
Stock Trend Prediction
Snapshot Surfer
Snapshot Diver
Credit Score Analysis
Insurance Policy Prediction App
Stock Prediction App
Geography and Society
Thindi Capital’s crowd-sourced food places
Fenomena Balita Stunting dan Potensinya Sebagai CSR
Weather app
Landmark Recognition
Dashboard - State of Data Brazil 2021
Opioid Dashboard
Local Information Data Application
Super Hero Battle @felipesanma
Guess Who? @ArnauDIMAI
Streamlit dashboard project
Student college acceptance prediction
Gender recognition
Movie Recommender System
The exploratory data analysis app
Movie Recommender System
Shiaz Profile Resume
Avinash Streamlit app
Movie Recommendation System
Java Resources
Cool happenings and other things
- Updates to New library: stlite, a port of Streamlit to Wasm, powered by Pyodide @whitphx
- Streamlit en la industria/ Civils.ai - Una plataforma Opensource de Ingeniería Civil Upcoming talk 8/25 @sebastiandres