Welcome to the Weekly Roundup!
12/27/21 - 1/02/22
Issue - V83
Current Release: 1.3.1
Every week we’ll share community-driven apps and articles that were shared with us during the previous week as well as any major announcements from Streamlit. If there is anything we missed feel free to add it in a comment or @ us on Twitter!
= articles
= videos
= apps
Streamlit Updates
Check out the newly expanded free tier of Streamlit Cloud. You can now deploy a private app and unlimited public apps! Just sign in to get started.
Find out your 2021 GitHub stats in @jrieke’s Year on GitHub Streamlit app!
Featured Content
Build a Website in only 12 minutes using Python & Streamlit
Streamlit Chat - Demo @yashppawar @YashVardhan-AI
CosmΩracle @nikosarcevic
Build Machine Learning Web App with Streamlit Python & NameThatHash - (2022) @Jesse_JCharis
Streamlit Pages Configuration @rosariomoscatolab
Xây dựng web app, triển khai model trong 1 phút với Streamlit - Mì AI
Med7 Machine learning model deployment using streamlit
Streamlit- Web Scraping Project - to CSV - BeautifulSoup- Pandas
Build Language Translator in Under 5 Minutes | Learn a New Language quickly | Python Projects
Python Tutorial: Streamlit
Face Verification With Keras and Streamlit
Za poslodavce: Razumijevanje Pythona, GitHub-a i Streamlit-a
How to build an Interactive Ad-scraping Keyword Analysis Web App with Streamlit Python & ScraperAPI
Building an Image Classifier to Filter Out Unused Images From Your Photo Album with Python and Machine Learning
Script for Deploying Machine Learning Web App created on Streamlit to Heroku
Creating an Interactive Datetime Filter with Pandas and Streamlit
How to Deploy Machine Learning Models
A Streamlit dashboard: 5 steps from zero to Docker-deployed
Create a spaCy visualizer with Streamlit
Science and Tech
NLP and Language
Translate Your Thoughts
Instant Info App @ozgurdugmeci
TweetCloud Maker
Sentiment analysis web app on EC2 Created Using StreamLit
GoodNewsFirst - An OpenSource News Application DEMO
Data Visualization
Sonic video games sales through the years
Stack Overflow Data Analysis
COVID Pandemic Visual Data Explorer
Google Play Store Apps and Reviews
CV and Images
Finance and Business
Energy Efficiency Index Calculations for Pumps @akutlusenturk
Credit Card Fraud Detector Webapp @KinePi
S&P 500 App
Segmentação de clientes usando modelos de clusterização
Credit Card Fraud Detector WebApp
The FAANG Stock Spotlight
Earnings and Dividends
Stock’s Value Predictions using RNNs
Simple Stock App
Technical Analysis Simulator
Loan Amortization Table Generator
Geography and Society
Mehlville School District COVID-19 Dashboard
Covid Vaccination Analysis - 1.0
Map of Companies in Central Germany
Creating Sea Surface Temperature Timelapse Using the Streamlit Interactive Web App @giswqs