Welcome to the Weekly Roundup!
1/09/23- 1/15/23
Issue - V133
Current Release: 1.17.0
Every week we’ll share community-driven apps and articles that were shared with us during the previous week as well as any major announcements from Streamlit. If there is anything we missed feel free to add it in a comment or @ us on Twitter!
= articles
= videos
= apps
= components
Want to enhance your data visualization with a custom color palette? Build an app with
Siavash Yasini to generate colors from any image.
Featured Content
Enhancing AgGrid table with Image Display in Streamlit Apps @avratanubiswas
Streamlit AgGrid Extras - Display Image within the Table | JavaScript Injection | Python @avratanubiswas
Building a Handwritten Digit Recognition Web App with Keras and Streamlit @napoles3d
How to Plant Disease Detection with python | Streamlit #tensorflow
5 Creating an app using streamlit
Pyscript-Streamlit di HTML Python
Streamlit App
RWEPA | Python - streamlit (建立企業儀表板, 資料分析服務)
Creating a no-code ML webapp using Streamlit
Attendance | Visitor Monitoring Webapp - Facial Recognition GUI using Python and Streamlit
สอน Streamlit สร้าง Website ด้วย Python ครบจบทุกประเด็น พร้อม deploy ขึ้น cloud ฟรี!!
Streamlit web App using SnowPark
ChatGPT: A game-changing technology for mental health support
Web Page Content Analysis Made Easy with Streamlit: A Step-by-Step Guide
Host Your Streamlit App on AWS
Learn and Make Web Application In Just 5 days! using Streamlit.
Criando um assistente pessoal com GPT-3 (irmão mais velho do ChatGPT)
Aplicación Web Simple con Python STREAMLIT
Search for rental properties with Streamlit — pt 2
Build a simple stock price web app using “streamlit” and “yfinance”
Create a Teaching Assistant bot using streamlit, OpenAI GPT3 and Python and Deploy in Streamlit cloud.
Deploy ML model อย่างง่ายด้วย Streamlit และ Streamlit Cloud
How to Build an Interest Rate Converter with Streamlit
How can you check your S&P 500 Companies portfolio in Python!?
Introduction to Streamlit: Building Interactive Web Apps using Python
Generating Fake Data with Streamlit and Faker
Azure Blob Storageに保存した画像一覧を表示するアプリをStreamlitで作ってみました。
How to Create A Chat GPT-3 Web app with Streamlit in Python
Creating a personal assistant with GPT-3
Science and Tech
NLP and Language
GPT-3 with Streamlit and Google TTS
Book Recommender System
Auto Generate & Send E-Mail
Citations Needed
Toxic Comment Classifier Web App | NLP and ML | Python and Streamlit | ML Project
CV and Images
AI Artist
Multiaction recognition algorithim
Image Recognition in Snowflake using Snowpark Python, PyTorch, Streamlit and OpenAI
Finance and Business
PowerPoint slide generator app @Oleksandr_Arsentiev
Mercado Financeiro
Simple App for Analysing FAANG Stocks
New Year New Luna
Customer Analysis Web App
Bangalore House Price Predictor Web App | Python and Streamlit | ML Projects
Simple Streamlit Paywall Example (with stripe payment links) @Brydon_Parker
Generate Leads from Twitter @Brydon_Parker
Cryptography Lab
Steel Plant Load Prediction
YouTube Playlist Time Calculator
Iron concentrate purity prediction
Ibis Project
Movie Recommender System
Model building and training
Cool happenings and other things
- New Medium publication: The Streamlit Teacher @napoles3d
- Streamlit Debugging Tricks: A handy guide to building a sticky debug div for debug.print calls @TomJohn
- Building a Real-Time analytics dashboard w. Streamlit Apache Pinot, and Redpanda Upcoming webinar Jan 17