🗞️ Weekly Roundup: How to make a radio button, build your first interactive app, add file downloads and more!

Welcome to the Weekly Roundup! :wave:

03/08/21 - 03/14/21
Issue - V43

Every week we’ll share community-driven apps and articles that were shared with us during the previous week as well as any major announcements from Streamlit. If there is anything we missed feel free to add it in a comment or @ us on Twitter!

  • :newspaper: = articles
  • :tv: = videos
  • :balloon: = apps

:new: Streamlit Updates

  • If you haven’t signed up for Streamlit sharing yet - join here.
  • Check out the Streamlit sharing badge for your GitHub repos:
    Open in Streamlit
  • Take a look back on all the great things that came out of February in our Monthly Rewind, and see who won app of the month :trophy:
  • Check out the newest Streamlit short on how to make a radio button :radio_button:

Featured Content


Science and Tech

NLP and Language

Data Visualization

CV and Images


Finance and Business

Geography and Society


Model Building and Training

:sunglasses: Cool happenings and other things

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Thanks for featuring :slight_smile: