Welcome to the Weekly Roundup! !
10/05/20 - 10/11/20
Issue - V22
Every week we’ll share community-driven apps and articles that were shared with us during the previous week as well as any major announcements from Streamlit. If there is anything we missed feel free to add it in a comment or @ us on Twitter!
Streamlit Updates
- Streamlit sharing was announced today
- If you haven’t signed up yet - join here. If you have - send a dm to @tc1 or @randyzwitch to get access! Here is @Adrien_Treuille’s announcement article.
- New layout primitives were recently released. Read more about them here.
- Here is a great community tutorial on how to use Streamlit sharing by @Tyler
- The first six Streamlit Creators were introduced
- Building Interactive Dashboard With Plotly and Streamlit
- Notebook Review: Streamlit
- Building a Deep Learning Flower Classifier
- Streamlit — A python developer dream dashboard
- How to build a KNN classification model from scratch and visualize it using Streamlit
- GKEでStreamlitをホスティングして社内用アプリを作った話
- Create Interactive Dashboards with Streamlit and Python
- Self-host your
(https://mail.google.com/mail/e/1f917)HuggingFace Transformer NER model with Torchserve + Streamlit
- What Do Tech Workers Think About Tech? [Streamlit Sharing deployed]
- COVID-19 Chile [Streamlit Sharing deployed]
- Experiment Tracking Using Streamlit and MLflow @mwinterde
- Heart Failure Prediction
- Moving Averages Cross Strategy on EUR/USD
- Portfolio
- Greenr
- StreamEA @Charly_Wargnier
- Bird classification web app
- Cracked or uncracked
- Translation Demo
- Covid-19 Live Dashboard
- Predict Blood Donation for Future Expectancy
- CleanvsMessy
- Movies Recommendation
- Agriculture app
- Seasonal Stock Analysis
- Among Us Stats Checker
- Rubrics Builder for CMA
- NER with Spacy & FastAPI
- Among Us stats checker
- AI In capacity management
- JEE-2019 Opening and Closing Ranks
- Entity Extraction from Text
- WyScoutAnalyzer
- Adding Layout to your Streamlit App!
- How to add Layout to Your Streamlit Python App (Side by Side Columns) @Jesse_JCharis
- How to Build a Football Data Web App in Python (Streamlit Tutorial Part 9)
- Building a Real Time Voice Transfer App with Streamlit and Python
- How to Build a Stocks Price Web App in Python (Streamlit Tutorial Part 10)
- Covid Detection using CT Scans - Basic Streamlit App
- Streamlit ile Whatsapp Sohbetimizden WordCloud Oluşturalım