Welcome to the Weekly Roundup!
01/25/21 - 01/31/21
Issue - V37
Every week we’ll share community-driven apps and articles that were shared with us during the previous week as well as any major announcements from Streamlit. If there is anything we missed feel free to add it in a comment or @ us on Twitter!
= articles
= videos
= apps
Streamlit Updates
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Featured Content
Firestore @AustinC
How to Make a Multi-Page Web App | Streamlit #16
Sketched Number Prediction App Using Streamlit @chris_klose
How To Save File Uploads to A Directory in Streamlit Python @Jesse_JCharis
Movie Recommender using Collaborative Filtering
Let’s Build a Pomodoro Web App for Data Science | Streamlit #15
How to Build Your Own AutoML App | Streamlit #17
Deploy Streamlit Flask App from Colab using remoteit (ngrok alternative)
Hyperlocal Air Quality Prediction using Machine Learning
Prototyping using pythons streamlit library
Dashboards mais avançados com Streamlit
Machine Learning Automation
Create a Cassava Leaf Disease Classification Web app
ML Regression Analysis, Implemented on Streamlit, Deployed on AWS EC2
Streamlit Review
Science and Tech
European Covid - Data
GECO (Gene Expression Clustering Optimization)
Patient Details DashBoard StreamLit || Project HackAPAC
Covid-19- X-Ray Classification - PyTorch/Streamlit/Docker/Linode
COVID-19 NHS Trust Patient Numbers
NLP & Language
Data Visualization
rfcx species audio detection
Data analysis of r/leaves @saayedalam
DevKami Malaysian Developer Survey: Application
The Wisdom Of The Crowd
CV & Images
Finance & Business
Geography & Society
John Snow’s 1854 Cholera Deaths Map in London
NYC Restaurant Violations
Acidentes automotivos em São Caetano do Sul
Measuring Ethnic Neighborhoods in NYC Project
crop prediction Machine Learning web application using streamlit app #Random Forest
Hive Librarian
Software de Mantenimiento Predictivo
Model Building & Training
Cool happenings and other things
- Streamlit Next.js Component, Auth0 Authentication, Bi-Directional Messaging & Serverless APIs @asehmi
- Image board Streamlit component demo! @metasemantic