Introducing Streamlit Creators!

Greetings Streamlit Community!

October 1st was the one-year anniversary of the open-source Streamlit project announcement. In that time, the project has grown faster than any of us could’ve expected, with a million downloads and tens of thousands of community members. The Community tells the Streamlit story dozens of times per week via app demonstrations on Twitter, articles published on Towards Data Science and other venues, and open-source repos and Streamlit Components.

It’s no exaggeration to say that the Community is why Streamlit is where we are today. To that end, there have been many of you that have gone above and beyond, not only sharing your successes but also helping newcomers to Streamlit make their apps the best they can be. To acknowledge these outstanding Community contributors and ambassadors, we’re please to announce the creation of the Streamlit Creators program and our first 6 Creators:

  • Fanilo @andfanilo - As Streamlit’s first community moderator, Fanilo has helped grow the community through partaking in all Streamlit’s closed betas, giving Meetups, creating components, authoring in-depths tutorials, assisting members of the community, and generally providing great feedback and support to the Streamlit team.
  • Synode @okld - Synode jumped on to be our second community moderator and he continually lends a helping hand to different community members, and has created numerous Streamlit components - including a popular Pandas Profiling component which has the highest use rate of any component in the community.
  • Charly @Charly_Wargnier - Charly actively engages in different media platforms and is always looking to help introduce Streamlit to new individuals. The apps he shares in the community cover valuable use cases (including great stuff on SEO!), and his apps always have great design that we aspire towards.
  • José @napoles3d - José is an amazing beta tester for the community, providing great insights and finding lots of bugs. He also created the 3d molecular viewer component which was highly requested by the community and has unblocked a lot of users.
  • Ashish @ash2shukla - Ashish is a well-rounded community member, giving Streamlit presentations, actively participating in different betas, and is super responsive in answering questions that come up in the community - including helping a lot of community members who are just getting started. Ashish is also the creator of a Bokeh component that allows for bi-directional communication between Streamlit and Bokeh charts.
  • Jesse @Jesse_JCharis - Jesse is a YouTube content creator who has helped numerous community members with over 30 videos about Streamlit! His channel is an inspiration to us and always gives us new insights on what to do with Streamlit. Jesse has been a part of the community since Streamlit’s open source launch and has been a consistent source of great feedback and help.

As we grow we want to figure out more and better ways to engage with the Community and improve Streamlit, and we are looking to the Creators to help lead the way. We’re also cooking up some more ideas of cool things we can do together as a Community, so stay tuned for more!


Head of Developer Relations at Streamlit

Edit: To make it easier to identify our Streamlit Creators, we’ve added a :balloon: icon to everyone’s avatars



Congrats all and welcome to Streamlit Creators!! :partying_face:


Welcome to all the Streamlit Creators!! Looking forward to all the cool apps that the creators and community will create :cowboy_hat_face: :smiley:


It has been such a pleasure to get to know all of you. Thank you (and all of the community!) for all your amazing ideas and support :heart:


:star_struck: wow I’m a Creator, that’s an awesome title :star2: !

But really, we as Creators wouldn’t be there without the huge efforts you did to build this great library and shape out the open and friendly community that kept us coming back :slight_smile:

My first post 9 months ago was the very first question I asked on the Internet (you won’t find me on SO or other forums…). And I dared to ask it because my very first impression of the forum was this thread, where everyone just seemed friendly and eager to help each other and @thiago, one of the founders, kept coming back to help.
This is something I keep in mind and try to replicate whenever a newcomer comes here with maybe its first Internet question. I hope to continue driving the Streamlit community to contribute better open data analytics, and encourage people to dare ask for help :wink: .

(and now I’m community moderator which I spend reformatting Python code in posts, and got my first 2 Python packages on PyPi that do get some downloads, things escalated quickly!)

NB: special callout to @tc1 for pinging me in the early days, introducing me to the team and giving me his full trust and support on enhancing the community! It’s been a joy working with you & everyone on the team :balloon: looking forward for what’s next for Streamlit!


Welcome, creators! Can’t wait to see how you all lead and shape the community.

p.s. Love the ballon emoji, @andfanilo! You are a true insider. :wink: :balloon:


Fantastic and congrats to all of you, you have been true community leaders! Looking forward to some more magic!