Will the audio in get safari support?

would love to get this app i’m chipping away at more universally compatible. is there any chance the audio in feature will receive an update that makes it compatible with safari?

Are you talking about st.audio_input or st.audio? What version of Streamlit are you using and what issue are you having in Safari (and what version of Safari)?

st.audio_input. latest version of both streamlit (I think) and safari. It lets me know it’s only chrome compatible. Not the end of the world by any means. tips?

I thought Safari support was added when it was deexperimentalized. So just to confirm: You are using Streamlit 1.41.1 and what version of Safari on which version of macOS or iOS?

(It works fine for me on Streamlit 1.41.1, Safari 18.2, macOS 15.2).

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I’m using an older version of streamlit! Ok that should help! Thanks. Will report back if problems persist

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Sorry about the false alarm lol

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