Win your Turkey Dinner Contest!

Hey Community! :wave:

In the spirit of Thanksgiving we’re thankful for all the wonderful apps you have been sharing with us, :hugs: and we’re wondering, has anyone made an app related to Thanksgiving :thinking:? Its #TurkeyTime!! :grin:


Your app could be a turkey image classifier, a recipe generator, a prediction app for who will win the Thanksgiving football game, or a Black Friday sales tracker. Share your apps with us and we’ll share them here. :nerd_face: For the best or most creative app we’ll even send you a turkey :turkey: (or other dietary-friendly baked good). Send us your app in one of two ways:

  1. by tweeting Streamlit with #StreamlitThanksgivingSubmission OR
  2. posting on the Streamlit Forum under “Show the Community!

Send in your submission by the end of the day on Nov. 25th 5 PM Central Time, for your chance to win your Thanksgiving Day turkey!**

To Enter:

  • Create your app, and deploy it on Streamlit Sharing. Not in sharing yet? Let us know you need it for the competition and we’ll get you in ASAP.
  • Send the link to your Github repo and launched app to one of the two submission options above.
  • In your app be sure to include a title of your app, a description of what you did or designed (how does it work? :face_with_monocle:), and how it relates to Thanksgiving for you or your family (we want to hear about you and YOUR traditions! :v:)

The winner will be announced on Thanksgiving Eve (Nov. 25th) :tada: :tada: :partying_face: :partying_face:

** if a Turkey is not suitable, just let us know and we can get you something else! :two_hearts: