AI conferences app

Hi everyone,

I am trying to build a comprehensive database of all the major conferences in AI, ML and Data Science from around the world.

The list of conferences that I have gathered so far can be viewed in this Streamlit app:

If anyone knows any interesting conference that I might have missed, please let me know, so that I can add it. Also, any suggestions about how the dashboard visualization could be further improved are welcome.



Hi @amadocta

Thanks for sharing, this is a great app for the AI community!

Here are my suggestions:

  • Would be nice to use st.metric() to display general metrics like “Total Number of Conferences”, to highlight key info.
  • Would be nice to have a range slider to selectively display results occuring within a specified timeframe.
  • It would be nice to add a tooltip parameter (help) to provide a short definition about what each field means.
  • Adding a “Contribute to this app” link that points to the GitHub repo may encourage users to help add new conferences or contribute to the app.

Best regards,

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Hi amadocta,

will be great!

Hi shuuse,

Thank you for the suggestion, I’ve added it to the list!

I was actually looking for this type of app! :slight_smile:

Thanks for creating it and sharing it with us!


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Hi Chanin,

Thank you very much for your recommendations!
I have implemented the ideas that you mentioned.
Let me know if you have any other suggestions.

Kind regards

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