Alaskan EV fuel price and emissions calculator

I was playing with some research data in Jupyter notebooks to calculate electric vehicle fuel costs and emissions vs. an internal combustion vehicle…it was quickly obvious that it could make a good calculator allowing Alaskans to put in their driving habits and get personalized results. Streamlit Sharing was an amazing way to realize this! So easy. Here is the calculator:

I still haven’t had time to dig deep into all the things I can do with Streamlit or ways to best format things, so I’m open to suggestions.
Also, if you are not in Alaska, you can grab the underlying code and update this with weather data for other regions. We (Alaska Center for Energy and Power at University of Alaska Fairbanks) are still hoping to collect more data in the coming years and refine our relationships between temperature and energy use.


Super cool. I love how this compares not just dollar cost but also CO2 pollution!