App code not updating properly to deployed stream version

The streamlit application runs without any issues on my laptop, but has an error when loading on the Streamlit cloud page.

Tracing back the error through the logs, it appears that the code is not properly up to date? At least it appears that the error it is throwing is a few iterations back and that for some reasons the changes haven’t propagated to the cloud app.

I tried to restart the app, but that did not resolve the problem. Thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.

Hi @amcrisan, welcome to the Streamlit community!

It sounds like this could be one of two things. First, does your repo have a requirements file in it? If so, have you committed locally, but not pushed the changes to GitHub?


It does have a requirements file, and it has been committed to the repo. The app was previously working and updating fine with updates to the github repo but the error that is reported from the manage app logs is for a version of the code that is outdated

It’s looking like this might be a persistent issue? At least, the version deployed to the cloud always seems a few commits behind.

Unfortunately, it’s still not clear to me what the problem you are reporting actually is. Based on the commit history here, the most recent commit was 15 hours ago:

Are you saying that this commit is not the same as what is represented on Streamlit Cloud?


That’s right, this commit from `15 hours ago’ is still not reflected in the streamlit cloud app as of now

Checking internally, we’ve got one other report of this. I don’t have anything to report at the moment (other than re-deploying the app and seeing if that fixes it), but when I do, I will report back.


Thank you! If there’s any additional information I can provide to resolve this issue don’t hesitate to reach out.

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