App stuck in the oven (logs look fine)

I tried to reboot buy anyway the app has been stuck for hours. Logs look fine, dependencies are simple:

Your app is in the oven

[     UTC     ] Logs for


[19:29:08] 🖥 Provisioning machine...

[19:29:08] 🎛 Preparing system...

[19:29:08] ⛓ Spinning up manager process...

[18:49:47] 🚀 Starting up repository: 'genremur', branch: 'main', main module: ''

[18:49:47] 🐙 Cloning repository...

[18:49:47] 🐙 Cloning into '/mount/src/genremur'...

[18:49:47] 🐙 Cloned repository!

[18:49:47] 🐙 Pulling code changes from Github...

[18:49:48] 📦 Processing dependencies...

──────────────────────────────────────── uv ───────────────────────────────────────────

Using uv pip install.

Using Python 3.11.11 environment at /home/adminuser/venv

Resolved 43 packages in 455ms

Prepared 43 packages in 2.21s

Installed 43 packages in 117ms

 + altair==5.5.0

 + attrs==24.3.0

 + blinker==1.9.0

 + cachetools==5.5.0

 + certifi==2024.12.14[2025-01-08 18:49:51.488453] 

 + charset-normalizer==3.4.1

 + click==8.1.8

 + et-xmlfile==2.0.0

 [2025-01-08 18:49:51.488698] + gitdb==4.0.12

 + gitpython==3.1.44

 + idna==3.10

 + jinja2==3.1.5

 + jsonschema==4.23.0

 + [2025-01-08 18:49:51.488904] jsonschema-specifications==2024.10.1

 + markdown-it-py==3.0.0

 + markupsafe==3.0.2

 + mdurl[2025-01-08 18:49:51.489090] ==0.1.2

 + narwhals==1.21.1

 + numpy==2.2.1

 + openpyxl==3.1.5

 + [2025-01-08 18:49:51.489271] packaging==24.2

 + pandas==2.2.3

 + pillow==11.1.0

 + protobuf==5.29.2

 + pyarrow==18.1.0[2025-01-08 18:49:51.489387] 

 + pydeck==0.9.1

 + pygments==2.19.1

 + python-dateutil==2.9.0.post0

 + [2025-01-08 18:49:51.489479] pytz==2024.2

 + referencing==0.35.1

 + requests==2.32.3

 + rich==13.9.4[2025-01-08 18:49:51.489586] 

 + rpds-py==0.22.3

 + six==1.17.0

 + [2025-01-08 18:49:51.489691] smmap==5.0.2

 + streamlit==1.41.1

 + tenacity==9.0.0

 + toml==[2025-01-08 18:49:51.489795] 0.10.2

 + tornado==6.4.2

 + typing-extensions==4.12.2

 + tzdata==2024.2

 + urllib3==2.3.0

 + watchdog==6.0.0

Checking if Streamlit is installed

Found Streamlit version 1.41.1 in the environment


[18:49:52] 🐍 Python dependencies were installed from /mount/src/genremur/requirements.txt using uv.

Check if streamlit is installed

Streamlit is already installed

[18:49:54] 📦 Processed dependencies!

2025-01-08 18:54:50.179 `label` got an empty value. This is discouraged for accessibility reasons and may be disallowed in the future by raising an exception. Please provide a non-empty label and hide it with label_visibility if needed.

2025-01-08 18:59:48.244 `label` got an empty value. This is discouraged for accessibility reasons and may be disallowed in the future by raising an exception. Please provide a non-empty label and hide it with label_visibility if needed.

2025-01-08 19:04:48.360 `label` got an empty value. This is discouraged for accessibility reasons and may be disallowed in the future by raising an exception. Please provide a non-empty label and hide it with label_visibility if needed.

2025-01-08 19:09:48.218 `label` got an empty value. This is discouraged for accessibility reasons and may be disallowed in the future by raising an exception. Please provide a non-empty label and hide it with label_visibility if needed.

2025-01-08 19:14:48.327 `label` got an empty value. This is discouraged for accessibility reasons and may be disallowed in the future by raising an exception. Please provide a non-empty label and hide it with label_visibility if needed.

2025-01-08 19:19:48.394 `label` got an empty value. This is discouraged for accessibility reasons and may be disallowed in the future by raising an exception. Please provide a non-empty label and hide it with label_visibility if needed.

2025-01-08 19:24:48.267 `label` got an empty value. This is discouraged for accessibility reasons and may be disallowed in the future by raising an exception. Please provide a non-empty label and hide it with label_visibility if needed.

2025-01-08 19:29:48.345 `label` got an empty value. This is discouraged for accessibility reasons and may be disallowed in the future by raising an exception. Please provide a non-empty label and hide it with label_visibility if needed.
1 Like

Are you saying that the app still shows “in the oven” even though the logs show that the app is running? (The warning about label should only happen if the app is executing a widget command and thus running.)

Can you share a link to your app?

1 Like

Are you saying that the app still shows “in the oven” even though the logs show that the app is running? (The warning about label should only happen if the app is executing a widget command and thus running.)


I forked your repo at 57b0f15 and could deploy without issues. Try redeploying.

Thank you for the reply! Sorry if it is a dummy question but, how do I “redeploy”?

Delete, then deploy again. Reboot might work too.

@sososs - sorry for inconvenience - there was a problem with status propagation. Your app was running in the background but state of the app hasn’t been updated. The issue has been fixed and your app is up and running

Thank you @Kuba_Kmiotek !

Ups, I have just made a new commit and it is not deploying (I don’t see the changes in the webpage). But in the logs it seems fine:

[18:41:18] 🐙 Pulling code changes from Github...

[18:41:18] 📦 Processing dependencies...

[18:41:18] 📦 Processed dependencies!

[18:41:20] 🔄 Updated app!

Edit: I will reboot and see what happens
Edit2: It worked after rebooting