I am trying to deploy my app, and I am getting stuck on 'Your app is in the oven'

Here are the logs:

[ UTC ] Logs for sleeperappapp-ntw8k27yeimzhmkcuquwdw.streamlit.app/
[19:14:40] :desktop_computer: Provisioning machine…
[19:14:40] :control_knobs: Preparing system…
[19:14:40] :chains: Spinning up manager process…
[19:14:42] :rocket: Starting up repository: ‘sleeper_streamlit_app’, branch: ‘main’, main module: ‘streamlit_app.py’
[19:14:42] :octopus: Cloning repository…
[19:14:43] :octopus: Cloning into ‘/mount/src/sleeper_streamlit_app’…

[19:14:43] :octopus: Cloned repository!
[19:14:43] :octopus: Pulling code changes from Github…
[19:14:44] :package: Processing dependencies…

──────────────────────────────────────── uv ───────────────────────────────────────────

Using uv pip install.
Using Python 3.12.8 environment at /home/adminuser/venv
Resolved 42 packages in 674ms

This is the contents of my requirements.txt:

Does anyone have any ideas on how I can get this running?

I’ve had this happen randomly when using streamlit.io and it seems like a back-end error on the Streamlit cloud side. I just reboot the app and it usually works

I’ve booted it and run some tests, it seems like its failing to import duckdb

I created a simple project to test it out

And I think my requirements.txt looks fine:

Any thoughts??

If you expand the log on the lower right of the app, are you still seeing the same messages there?

I’m not particularly familiar with duckdb, but maybe the version is clashing with streamlit? If you upgrade to a newer version of duckdb does that work (I see up to 1.1.3 on pypi now)?

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THANK YOU!!! I just needed to point to a newer version. I appreciate the help here!!

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